Chapter 3: Surprise Tutor

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" You can do it Marinette. Just remember the formula. Think Marinette, think, " Tikki cheered her as Marinette attempted to do her Physics homework. 

Marinette only smiled at her effort before looking at her phone. The time was 10.38 pm. Marinette yawned as she put her phone away. There must be something I remember from today, Marinette thought. Tapping her pencil on the table. 

" This is useless! " Marinette exclaimed, exasperated. 

" Don't worry Marinette, I'm sure your homework isn't that hard. " Tikki tried to comfort her. 

" It's not just the homework, Tikki. Homework is the least of my problems now. What am I going to do with Lila? I can't just let her blackmail me, " Marinette said, walking over to her bed and lying down. 

Tikki stayed silent as she glanced at Marinette. Marinette was on the verge of tears. Marinette took deep breaths as she stared through the window on her trap door that led to the rooftop. Tikki opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something but closed it. Marinette closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down when she suddenly heard a tap on her trap door. Tikki immediately hid in Marinette's closet. Marinette opened her eyes to see a pair of green eyes staring back at her. She could see two black cat ears coming out of his messy blonde hair. Marinette sat up on her bed and opened the trap door a little.

" Hi Purrr-incess, " Chat Noir said, a small smirk appearing on his face. 

Marinette sighed. She didn't have time for this. " What do you want Chat? "

" What? No 'Hi Chat, would you like to come in'? " Chat asked playfully. 

Marinette just groaned and opened the door fully so Chat Noir could come in. She got off her bed and walked to her table as Chat Noir entered her room. Marinette continued to do her Physics homework. 

" So Marinette, are you okay? You were acting weird the whole day at school today, " Chat Noir asked, lying on her bed as he spoke. 

" I don't want to talk about it, " Marinette answered, not looking up from her homework, " But how did you know that? You don't stalk me do you? "

" I don't stalk you but umm I know that 'causeummm, " Chat Noir paused for a few seconds, " Adrien! Umm yeah! He told me that you acted all strange today. So why were you acting all weird? "

" He told you? Like your saying he talked to you? How does he know you're Chat Noir? Did you tell him? Do you know how much danger he would be in if Hawkmoth found out? Is he the only one you told? Or did you tell other people about your identity? Did you–"

" Marinette! " Chat Noir exclaimed, interrupting Marientte and she turned to face him, " Calm down. Adrien is the only one I told and no one else but you knows I did. Besides I didn't tell actually him, he found out." Chat Noir lied. 

" No surprise to me I guess, he is the smartest boy I know, " Marinette stated, making Chat Noir blush a little, " By the way, why are you lying on my bed? "

" It's so comfy! Besides I'm tired from patrol and I deserve a rest, " Chat Noir admitted.

" You deserve a rest, on my bed? " Marinette laughed looking at Chat Noir who got off her bed and started to walk over to her table. 

" What are you doing? " Chat Noir asked as he looked at Marinette's homework, " You do realise these answers are wrong right? " Chat Noir pointed out, smirking. 

" You don't think I know that already?" Marinette told him, annoyed by her homework, " I didn't pay attention in class today and now I have no idea how to answer these questions. "

" Tsk tsk tsk Marinette. I thought you paid attention in class, " Chat Noir teased, receiving a glare from Marinette.

" Teasing me won't help you know? " Marinette sighed and rolled her eyes at him. 

" Do you want me to help? "

Marinette was surprised at his offer, " If you aren't that tired I guess you could– "

Without even waiting for her to finish her sentence, Chat Noir took the piece of paper and studied it. He pulled her other chair and sat down on it as he slowly explained to her on how to answer the questions. Marinette was surprised by how patient he was. Chat Noir also did not mind explaining the entire concept many times just to make sure Marinette understood and remembered everything. He helped her for every single question of her homework until it was almost
11.30 pm. Marinette was impressed by how much he knew about the topic. When they finally finished, Marinette thanked Chat Noir.

" Thanks for helping me Chaton, I finally understand this topic. " 

" No sweat Princess. You can always ask me for tutoring and I'll be happy to help you. You pick up the formulas surprisingly quickly, " Chat Noir commented, winking at her. 

Marinette blushed and smiled a little. As Chat Noir walked back to the trap door, Marinette realised it was raining. Chat Noir climbed out of the door and he shivered. It was cold and wet outside. He was about to leave when Marinette called his name. 

" Chat Noir, take this, " Marinette offered, holding out an umbrella to him, shielding him from the rain and letting herself get wet, " Think of it as a thank you for helping me with my Physics. "

Chat Noir looked at the umbrella then at Marinette. Chat Noir paused for a moment. He looked at Marinette's eyes. They were the most beautiful things he ever saw. We're her eyes always this blue? Were her eyes always so beautiful? Chat Noir thought to himself. The longer he stared at her eyes, the more lost he became in them. Her eyes were as blue as the Pacific Ocean. Chat Noir felt peace as he continued to stare into her eyes. Then, he noticed her smile. Oh her smile. It reminded him of Ladybug's smile. The smile he could never get enough of. Chat Noir gasped a little before snapping back to the present.

" You might catch a cold Chat, " Marinette told him and gestured for him to take the umbrella. 

Chat Noir reached out his hand to take the umbrella. Their fingers brushed against each other lightly as he took the umbrella from her hand. His hand trembled as he tried to find the right words to say to Marinette but she had rendered him speechless. With a final wave, Marinette headed back into her room. Chat Noir looked at her for one last time before he left. As he walked home, he thought of Marinette. Her eyes, her smile. He just couldn't stop thinking about her. 


" Plagg claws in, " Chat Noir said as soon as we entered his room, transforming himself back into Adrien.

Adrien gave his Kwami some Camembert before lying on his bed as he stared at the ceiling. As soon as he finished eating, Plagg flew over to him. 

" Thinking about Ladybug again? " Plagg assumed.

" I'm not thinking about Ladybug, " Adrien said. He wasn't lying. He was thinking about Marinette. 

" Really? Every time you think about her, you have this look on your face," Plagg started to say, " It's the same look you have on your face now. "

" Have Marinette's eyes always been that beautiful? " Adrien wondered aloud. 

" Adrien, do you like Marinette? " Plagg paused, " Like more than just a friend? "

" What no. Marinette's just a friend, " Adrien told Plagg. 

Adrien was positive he heard Plagg mutter something like 'sure' before sleeping on Adrien's bed. Adrien tossed and turned but he kept thinking of Marinette. Was Marinette really just a friend? If she was just a friend, then what is this mysterious feeling? 

Yay 3rd Chapter! I hope u guys enjoyed reading this chapter. So far this is my favourite chapter I've written. 4th Chapter coming soon so as usual and do remember to vote for the chapter if you liked it. I hope all of you have a miraculous day and stay connected! :D

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