Chapter 18: Back to life

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I just wanna ask had anyone heard the song Back To Life by Hailee Steinfeld? It's amazing you guys should check it out.

Here's chapter 18 so remember to vote and comment. I love reading comments for some reason 😂🤣

So that's all? No apology? I thought Adrien was better than that," Chloe commented, looking up from her phone to turn to Marinette.

"Yeah I thought Adrien would at least apologise for hurting you so much that day," Alya crossed her arms and walked over to Marinette who was at her table, looking through her designs, "After all, it wasn't your fault Hawkmoth died. He was trying to hurt you and you just tried to defend yourself."

It was only a day before the dance and Alya and Chloe were hanging out at Marinette's house. Adrien had avoided her all day and never talked to her even once ever since the time he gave her the box. She tried to move on but it was so hard. Everytime she closed her eyes, he was there. And all around her room were pictures of him but she could never bring herself to take down those photos. Adrien no longer loves me. To him, I'm just a murderer and that is what I will always be, Marinette thought to herself, thinking that he would love me again is just foolish.

Marinette sighed despondently and slumped into her chair. She took out her sketchpad and started to flip through its pages. She stopped when she saw a few certain designs. These are the designs I made when Chat Noir brought me to the Eiffel Tower, Marinette remembered. She then remembered Chat Noir helping her with her homework, Adrien sneaking into class with her and the kiss they shared. Marinette froze as she felt a tear roll down her cheeks. Hastily, she wiped it before Alya or Chloe saw her. Ugh, why is it so hard to forget about Adrien Agreste. I need to distract myself, Marinette told herself, somehow.

After a moment, Marinette spoke, "Speaking of Hawkmoth, has there been any crimes since you guys returned his Miraculous to Master Fu?"

"Not really but.... We didn't give Master Fu the Moth Miraculous," Alya told Marinette, her voice becoming more worried as she spoke.

(A/N: Okay... The last sentence sounds a little weird... if there is an error please tell me in the comments. Thx 😊)

Marinette stood up and turned to Alya and Chloe, "What do you mean? You guys didn't return his Miraculous to Master Fu?"

"We don't know where it is. We all thought you returned it, Marinette," Chloe said, confused.

"B-But I didn't. I t-thought you guys...." Marinette's voice trailed off, "Oh. My. God."

The three of them exchanged glances worriedly. If none of them had the Moth Miraculous.....where is it?! Marinette placed a hand on her forehead hoping to ease the sudden headache that hit her. Marinette slowly sat back on her chair. What are we going to do? What if we don't find it? Paris could still be in danger.

"Okay, okay calm down Marinette," Marinette took a deep breath and turned to face Alya and Chloe, "We just have to find that Miraculous. Can you two go to the Eiffel Tower now and try to find it. It will be quicker if we used our superhero suits but I don't have mine anymore."

Chloe and Alya nodded and transformed. Marinette watched as they leaped out of her bedroom window. Marinette ran a hand through her dark hair as she paced about in her room. It has to be here somewhere, Marinette told herself as she started rummaging through her drawer and school bag, where is it? Where is it? Suddenly she accidentally pushed her small bag off the table and it dropped on the floor and a small Miraculous box slid out. The box, Marinette remembered, the one that Adrien gave me at school. Opening her bag, she took out the small black box. She hesitated to open the box. What could be so important? Taking a deep breath, Marinette slowly opened the box. She flinched when a blinding beam of light shot out and Marinette used her hands to cover her eyes. As the light from the box slowly dimmed around her, Marinette squinted as a small creature appeared. It's body was red and it had a black spot on its forehead. Wait, is that...Tikki?

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