Chapter 4: Suspicions

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Adrien went to school thinking about Marinette. He just couldn't forget her beautiful eyes and smile. As he walked along the hallway, he was such a daze that he bumped into someone. The person's books dropped onto the floor and Adrien helped to pick them up. 

"I'm so sorry," Adrien apologised and handed the books to the person, "Here are your books…" His voice trailed off as he looked at the person whom he bumped into. He immediately noticed the girl's blue eyes and dark hair. Adrien paused and started to stare at her.

"It's–it's–it's okay A–Adrien," Marinette stuttered, blushing as she took her books from Adrien.

"Hey dudes…" Nino said as he walked in and saw Marinette and Adrien staring at each other.

"I umm. I–I should go. Class is s–starting and I don't want to be late," Marinette stammered as soon as she saw Nino and hurried away. 

Adrien didn't move. Adrien didn't speak. He was just too captivated by her eyes. Her eyes reminded him of the azure blue sky. He felt a peace whenever he stared into them. He felt as if he could stare into them forever and never get bored. Adrien snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a tap on his shoulder. 

"Are you okay dude? " Nino asked worriedly. 

" Huh? Yeah Nino I'm fine. Let's get to class before– "

" ADRIKINS! " a shrill voice interrupted the peace of the hallway. Adrien could recognise that voice anywhere. The voice sounded like a dying hyena. 

Oh god someone help me. Adrien felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck as Chloe kissed Adrien on the cheek. She pulled away from his face but her arms remained on his neck. 

" Did you miss me Adrikins? " Chloe asked as she played with his blonde hair.

Wake me up from this nightmare, Adrien pleaded internally as he pried Chloe's hands off him. 

" Do you have plans tonight Adrien? I was wondering if we could– " Chloe started to say. 

Nope. Nope. Nope, Adrien thought as he shook his head quickly many times. 

" Is that Ms Bustier? " Nino exclaimed, making Chloe turn around. 

 Nino grabbed Adrien by the arm and ran out of the hallway to class. Adrien could hear Chloe call his name but he didn't look back. Nino didn't stop running and pulling Adrien behind him until the two reached the classroom. The two started to pant heavily at the entrance of the classroom. Adrien looked up at Nino then at the hallway from which they ran away from Chloe and then back at Nino. Adrien grinned like a cheshire cat. (He technically is one though lmao) 

" Thanks Nino, " Adrien thanked his best friend, still panting.

" No. Problem. Adrien, " Nino replied between breaths, " Did you see Chloe's face when she realised Ms Bustier wasn't there? " Nino started to laugh. 

Adrien burst out in laughter, " Not really. But I'm imagining it right now."

" She looked like someone just slapped her, " Nino said, still laughing, " Her arms were like this. " Nino said, putting his hands on his waist, trying to mimic Chloe. 

Adrien started to laugh even harder. He clutched his stomach, trying to contain his laughter. Then, he started to cough and wheeze. Adrien coughed a few times before he finally calmed himself down and the two of them walked to their seats. Everyone in the classroom stared at them as though they were people who just broke out of an asylum. Adrien turned to look at Marinette. She only gave the boys a smile before continuing her revision. She's so hardworking, Adrien admired her. Not even minutes after, 3 girls entered the classroom. Adrien sighed. It was Chloe, Sabrina and Lila. Marinette took one look at Lila and started to pack her school bag–to move back to Lila's seat. Adrien frowned.

" Lila I want to talk to Marinette, " Adrien told Lila standing up, " Do you mind going back to your own seat? " Adrien didn't sound like he was asking a question. It sounded more like an order. 

Lila's jaw dropped as she turned to look at Adrien whose face was stern. Marinette looked at Adrien and she started to smile. Finally, I don't have to listen to Lila, Marinette thought to herself. Lila scoffed at Adrien and Marinette. As Lila headed to her seat at the back of the class, she whispered something in Marinette's ear. Marinette's smile faded as she nodded her head. Adrien frowned again. What did Lila say to Marinette? Is there something happening between them? Adrien thought to himself, suspicious. He turned around and looked at Marinette one more time. 

" Hey, are you okay Marinette? " Adrien asked her, worry written all over his face. 

Marinette quickly nodded. Adrien stared at Marinette for a moment before turning his attention to Ms Bustier who had just walked into the classroom. Today, Marinette no longer had her head on the table and she was actively taking down notes as the teachers spoke. At least she was paying attention in class, Adrien tried to think positive (or should I say paw-sitive. Sorry sorry I'll stop)

   …………...time skip…...……...

After school had ended, Alya came up with the idea to study together. She invited Adrien, Nino, Marinette and Lila. 

" That's a great idea Alya! We could– " Marinette started to say when Lila fake coughed, interrupting her. Before Marinette could continue, Lila gave her a sharp glare. Marinette sighed, " I, uh, I just remembered that I can't study with you guys today. I have a..thing with my parents later. Go ahead without me. " Marinette lied. 

Without saying another word, Marinette walked out of the classroom, leaving Nino and Alya puzzled. Adrien saw what happened but stayed silent and Lila just stood there smiling, obviously contented with herself. 

" Umm okay ," Alya started to say, " So we will meet at the library today later this afternoon at about…4pm? Sound good? "

Everyone nodded before heading their separate ways. I guess I have to see my Purr-incess later again and see what's up, Adrien thought as he walked to his limousine.

Okay I know I haven't posted in two days and my chapters are long overdue. I am so sorry about that. So to make it up to you guys, I tried to write a slightly longer Chapter 4 but I realised it was too long so I decided to split this chapter into 2 separate chapters. Don't worry I already wrote the 5th Chapter and I will post it in just a sec :)))

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