Chapter 10: I Can't Believe It...

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"Wait," Adrien broke the silence. The two Kwamis turned to him, "I have an idea. Plagg, claws out!"


"Get comfortable you three, you'll be here for a while," Princess Justice snickered, tying up Rena Rouge.

"Now, we wait for the Kitty. Once he's tied up, no one can stop me from my revenge on everyone who has wronged me," the villain muttered, smirking evilly.

"Playtime is over Princess," Chat Noir spoke, "Release my friends. This has gone too far."

"Give me a good reason why I should," Princess Justice wrapped her yo-yo string around Chat Noir. 

"I know who you are, Ladybug. You are better than this. Don't let the evil person who gave you these powers control you."

"Hawkmoth no longer controls me. And I don't care if you know my identity. This time tomorrow, I will rule Paris and everyone who has wronged me would get what they deserve."

"I'm sorry Marinette. I'm sorry for rejecting you. I'm sorry I made you cry. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me most. The thing is, I do love you," Chat Noir apologised, looking into her bluebell eyes. The other three superheroes gasped in shock.

"Wait, y-y-you are A-Adrien?" Princess Justice released Chat Noir.

Princess Justice stumbled backwards but gained her balance before she fell. Adrien, Chat Noir. Adrien is Chat Noir! Oh god. Marinette's head felt dizzy and her knees gave way, making her kneel on the ground. She felt as if she was in a trance. She clutched her head which had started to sting. She groaned in agony. 

Chat Noir took a step towards her, a hopeful smile on his face. It's working! She's doing it! The akuma was slipping away, Princess Justice could feel it. Suddenly a thought came to her mind. Adrien doesn't love me. He only loves Ladybug. Not Marinette. Princess Justice snapped out of her trance. She clumsily stood up and looked at Chat Noir–who's hope turned into worry. Chat Noir slowly backed away from her. 

"You being Chat Noir doesn't change anything!" Princess Justice shouted, taking a step closer to him, "You don't love me. You love Ladybug! The only reason you came back was because you found out I was Ladybug! Well guess what? I hate you Adrien Agreste!"

Chat Noir didn't move. Her words were like daggers piercing into his heart. It suddenly felt harder to breathe. He could feel tears forming in his eyes but he kept them from flowing. He couldn't give up. I have to save her. I have to save Marinette. 

"I do love you Marinette," Chat Noir started to say but Princess Justice cut him off. 

"Spare me your lies. You pathetic words mean nothing to me. What type of person kisses a girl and rejects her the next day?" Princess Justice announced. Rena Rouge, Carapace and Queen Bee gasped in shock again. 

"YOU DID WHAT?" Rena Rouge spoke up, asking what everyone else was thinking, "ADRIEN HOW DARE YOU PLAY MARINETTE LIKE THAT. YOU'RE THE STUPI–oh sorry I'll stop."

Princess Justice only shot a glare at her. Rena Rouge gulped in fear. I should have taped her mouth too, Princess Justice muttered to herself. Chat Noir, on the other hand didn't answer Princess Justice's question. He couldn't. She was right. He did do that to her and he hated himself for it. 

"You're right, M'lady. I did do that and I'm sorry for it. The only reason I did that was because I did love you. I love both Ladybug and Marinette," Chat Noir told her truthfully.

He heard the villain scoff, "Please, if this is some plan you have to stop me, it's failing. I will have my revenge and no one will stand in my way. So say goodbye Chat Noir!" 

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