Chapter 17: Freedom and Heartbreak

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Taking a deep breath, Marinette stepped into the classroom. The class was noisy with everyone talking to each other but the moment they noticed Marinette, the noise immediately died down and all eyes turned to her. Marinette furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and stopped in front of the classroom. With a small smile, she gave them an awkward wave before walking to her seat. The entire class stood frozen for a moment before rushing to her, asking her all types of questions about her sudden absence from school for 2 weeks. Marinette was surprised by all the sudden attention but calmly answered all their questions–except for a few so she would keep her identity a secret. 

"Students, please go back to your seats and open your textbooks to page 47. You can talk to Marinette during recess later," Ms Bustier instructed and everyone scurried back to their seats. Then she turned to Marinette and whispered, "Are you feeling better, Marinette? I heard you were really hurt during that Chat Blanc incident." 

Marinette chuckled a little, "I'm fine Ms Bustier, I wasn't that injured." Marinette brushed it off.

 At the corner of her eye, she could see Adrien staring at her. Marinette turned her gaze to him. But the moment her eyes met his, he looked away. Marinette felt her heart sink. I guess he still doesn't forgive me. Marinette let out a sigh and paid attention to the teacher. Hopefully, this will distract me. For the rest of the day, Adrien continued to not talk to Marinette and she did the same. Nino and Alya noticed this. Alya tapped Nino on the shoulder. 

"We need to fix this, Nino," Alya whispered to her boyfriend.

"Yeah, but how?" 

Alya tapped her chin, "I have an idea."

 ……..time skip (cuz I'm lazy😂)........

"Okay that is all for today, before you all head of to recess, I want to remind you that the school dance is in 4 days," Ms Bustier reminded the class before leaving. 

The entire class immediately started talking to each other about who they were going with for the dance and what they were going to wear. No one asked me to go with them so I might as well stay home and do some designing, Marinette thought to herself. Suddenly, she felt a hand grip her wrist and lead her out of the classroom into the bathroom. The grip was hard and painful. The girl let go of Marinette's hand and locked the bathroom door. Marinette scoffed when she saw who it was. 

"What do you want now?" Marinette rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. 

"I am going to the dance this Friday and I need to look my best– 'cause me and Adrien are going to be Queen and King of the dance. But I don't feel like buying a new dress. So, I want you to make me a really nice dress. I want to have the best dress at that dance. You will make it today and pass it to me tomorrow morning before school starts," Lila ordered.

"So you are hiring me?" Marinette asked rolling her eyes again. 

"Hah as if. I won't be paying you," Lila took out a piece of paper from her pocket and shoved it to Marinette, "These are my measurements."

Marinette didn't say anything as she opened the paper and looked at the measurements. Lila just smirked and started to walk out of the bathroom. 

"I want it by tomorrow morning, Marinette. And it better be the best dress you ever made. If it looks like trash," Lila waved her phone in the air to remind Marinette about the video, "You know what will happen."

Marinette watched as Lila neared the door. She took a deep breath and clenched her fists tightly as she spoke.


Lila turned around and looked at her. She walked up to her, her green eyes showed nothing but anger. She looked like a vicious predator about to swallow its prey. Yet, Marinette remained unfazed. I have to stop this. Right here, right now, Marinette thought. 

"What did you say to me?" Lila stared her down, challenging Marinette to answer. 

"I said 'no'," Marinette growled, taking out the piece of paper and tearing it. Marinette felt a huge wave of satisfaction for every rip she made. Once the paper was nothing but shreds, Marinette shoved the pieces to Lila who stumbled backwards at her sudden outburst. Marinette made a little heel turn and started to walk out the door when Lila pulled her wrist and made Marinette turn around. 

"I still have this," Lila showed Marinette the video, "Do you really want me to post this?" Lila threatened her gripping her wrist even tighter.

Marinette pushed Lila's hand off her wrist and gave her a little laugh.

"If you do not remember, Chat Blanc cataclysmed my Kwami and now I can no longer turn into Ladybug. Besides, Hawkmoth has been defeated and I no longer need to protect my identity. You can show everyone the video if you like. It means nothing to me now," Marinette spat at her, finally walking out of the bathroom and slamming the door right in Lila's face.  

Lila felt like screaming her lungs out. She looked at the video on more time before deleting it from her phone completely. This video is useless now, Lila thought to herself, shoving her phone into her pocket. This is not over Marinette. I will make your life miserable. I will be Queen of that dance and Adrien will dance with me. Say goodbye to him 'cause soon, he will be mine 


As Marinette walked away, Marinette wondered if she did the right thing telling Lila off like that. At the back of her mind, Marinette knew Lila would come back at her with a sabotage or revenge but at that moment, Marinette didn't care about any of those things. She felt like a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders. She no longer had to deal with that two-faced liar and could finally make her own decisions. Marinette let out a sigh of relief as she smiled to herself.

Then, she saw Alya and Nino talking and laughing with Chloe. I guess there is a good side in her after all, Marinette thought. Just as she was about to walk over to them, Marinette felt someone grip her hand from behind. The grip wasn't like the usual strong, iron grip. The person held her wrist gently. Lila, Marinette scoffed as the person started pulling her away. Marinette couldn't think of another person who would want to talk to her in private now.

"Lila, I told you I'm not your puppet anymore…." Marinette's voice trailed off when she turned around and saw the person leading her away, "Adrien." Marinette whispered to herself as Adrien continued walking with her.

Adrien stopped underneath the staircase. No one really passes by there so it was a good place to meet in private. Wait, why does Adrien want to meet me in private? What could be so important? 

Adrien let go of her wrist and turned around to face Marinette. Suddenly, Marinette felt a lump form in her throat and she didn't know what to say. Marinette looked at his gorgeous green eyes and she felt her heart stop. There are like two green emeralds shining...NO, Marinette snapped herself out of the trance. Calm down and be cool, Marinette, she pep-talked herself, don't be awkward just say 'Hi Adrien, you look nice today'. It couldn't be too bad, right? Yeah, there is no way this can go wrong. 

"Bye Adrien, I'm cool and you're hot," Marinette blurted out. 

Marinette immediately covered hand over her mouth. Adrien's eyes widened and his face immediately turned bright red. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Marinette felt her cheeks burn up in embarrassment.

"I-i-i am so so sorry. What I meant was 'Hi Adrien, you look nice today'," Marinette corrected herself.

"Oh thanks, I-I-I uh, w-wanted to give you this," Adrien stuttered, handing her a small Miraculous box, "Master Fu specifically wanted me to give it to you. He said it was important and that you should open it at home."

"What's inside?" Marinette asked.

"He told me not to tell you," Adrien stated hastily before walking away.

Marinette watched as he walked away. Her heart sank again. He doesn't love me anymore either, Marinette sighed. She looked at the black box again and it's intricate design on the top. Sighing again, she put the box in her bag and walked to find Alya, Nino and Chloe.

So that is the chapter 17 for you guys. The next chapter might be the last of it. If not I'll split the chapter!😆

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