Bonus Chapter: All I ever wanted

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Here is the bonus chapter, I hope you all will like it. Remember to leave comments and vote if you liked this chapter :D

Lila's POV: 

I watched from the food table as my classmates danced, talked, and had a good time while I'm here alone. After Adrien told everyone about what I did, no one even wanted to go near me. Like if I was walking around, people would move away from me like I had a contagious disease or something. I used to be loved by everyone around me but guess the tables have really turned this time. I didn't even dare to look up at people. Everytime I did, I would see someone whispering about me and people giving me stares. My vision grew blurry with my tears and I immediately rushed out. I didn't want anyone to see me cry. 

"I need to be alone right now," I muttered to myself, as my eyes laid on a door that said 'Rooftop', "At least I can be alone here." 

I pushed the door open gently but stopped after taking a few steps. There, right in front of me, were Adrien and Marinette–making out in the rain. I suddenly found it hard to breathe. There was a weird feeling in my stomach and I felt like throwing up. My hands trembled as I grabbed the doorknob and walked back into the building. Closing the door behind me, my knees gave way and I crumbled to the ground. I leaned my back against the door as I brought my legs close to my chest, hugging them tightly. My eyes filled with tears and I struggled to keep them in. The image of the two of them kept replaying in my mind and I felt more of my tears getting clogged. My eyes soon started stinging and I finally let the tears fall. I buried my face in my legs as I sobbed. Nothing hurt me more than to see them together after all I did to try and keep them apart. All my hard work. All of it, down the drain. She doesn't deserve him. Marinette has gotten everything she ever wanted her whole life. A loving family, amazing friends- things that I could only dream of. And now, she stole Adrien. The only person I ever loved. And the only person I ever will love! I wiped the tears off my eyes as I stood up and ran out of the building. I didn't know where to go but all I knew was that I had to get out of here. And far away from that- couple.


I was thankful for the sound of the rain that drowned out the last of my sobs. The last thing I wanted was for someone to notice me and take pity. I just wanted to be alone right now. My breath hitched as I felt the rain get heavier. I had to find shelter. I looked around myself to see an ice cream shop. I'll just wait there until the rain stops. I rushed into the shop. It was air conditioned and I wrapped my hands around my body as I went over to the counter where a friendly-looking man stood. If I'm going to stay here for a while, what's wrong with little ice cream?

"Hello," I greeted, "Sorry I came in so late."

"It's alright. miss, we don't get many customers anyway," the man politely explained and I smiled a little, "What can I get you?"

"Um, just one scoop of salted caramel ice cream please," I told him and he nodded.

I paid for the ice cream and went to a nearby table and sat down. I looked out to the window to see the heavy rain pouring down relentlessly. It looks like I'll be here for a while. I turned my attention to the ice cream and saw that it had started to melt. I then realised haven't had ice cream in almost 10 years. 


My mom wasn't from a rich family and was forced to marry my dad who was the CEO of some huge company. My dad loved my mom, and she loved him. He was a very kind person, always helping others and he always made time for me. He used to take me to this same ice cream shop, every year without fail, for my birthday. So, it was no reason it came as a shock to both of us when we found out my dad was cheating, with my mother's best friend. I still remember that night. I hid in my room as I watched my mom scream at my dad and him slapping her not long after. I cried myself to sleep that night and the next morning, my dad had left. I got over it after a while but my mom, she was never the same. She worked 3 jobs every day and forced me to study. When I didn't know the answer to a question, she would cane me. So many times till I bled, but she didn't care. She told me that if I was not smart, I'd end up with a person like my father. Ever since then, I no longer had friends. I didn't have time for them as most of it was spent on studying. I was basically cut off from the world. I never got a proper childhood like everybody else. But when I moved to François Dupont, I knew things had to change. My mom got a new job recently and I have been getting a lot more freedom. I don't want to admit it but yes, I lied to everyone just so I could be their friend. I was very desperate. I still am. That was also the first time I saw Adrien Agreste. He was the most attractive person I've ever met and the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew I had fallen hard. His blonde hair, his amazing green eyes, and on top of that, he was kind and sweet too. The more I spent time with him, the more I wanted him to be mine. But there was only one problem, he loved Ladybug. I tried to make him notice me so many times but he would just keep talking about Ladybug and how amazing she is. Yeah right. She's just a regular person who wears a suit and a mask and goes around fighting people. Big deal. (A/N: or should I say 'bug' deal 😂. Yeah yeah I'll stop now). So when I found out Marinette was Ladybug and that she had a crush on Adrien, I took things too far and now, he hates me. 

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