Chapter 7: Marinette or Ladybug?

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"See you tomorrow Adrien," Marinette called out as she walked out of the school.

"G-goodbye Marinette," Adrien stuttered and Plagg peeked out from his jacket.

"So.... You like Marinette now, huh Adrien?"

"I like Marinette and Ladybug, Plagg. I can't decide. Ladybug is amazing and Marinette reminds me so much of her. But they both don't like me back. Everytime I think of Marinette, I feel unfaithful."

"Adrien. You are not dating Ladybug or Marinette. There is no reason to feel unfaithful. You need to pick Adrien. Or like I said a long time ago, get a girl who doesn't like someone else." Plagg said, as-a-matter-of-factly.

"I know," Adrien rubbed his neck as he walked home. His bodyguard had a fever and took a medical leave. So he had to walk home on his own.


"And done," Marinette sighed as she put down her pen. Marinette had finally finished all her homework and looked outside. The sky was dark with only a few stars. Marinette felt her eyelids become heavy and she closed her eyes...

Marinette walked into class. As she walked up to her seat, Alya stopped her.

"Sorry Marinette, can Lila to sit here today? She still hasn't finished telling me that story about her and Prince Ali on that cruise ship," Alya told Marientte as Lila and Adrien walked into the classroom, "There is my best friend! Why are you guys late?" she was talking to Lila.

Alya called Lila her best friend?! What the heck? Aren't I her best friend?

Marinette gasped at them. Lila and Adrien were holding hands. They walked past her as if Marinette was invisible and sat down.

"Oh, me and Adrien were just a little held back," Lila said winking at Adrien who chuckled and kissed her temple.

"You can sit at the back Marinette," Lila stated again pointing at the seat all the way at the back.

"Wha-" Marinette stopped and looked looked at her friends, "I... you... him... Alya... ," Marinette stuttered.

"Do you mind going to the back and sit down. I want to talk to my girlfriend," Adrien asked her. But it sounded more like an order.

Girlfriend? Lila? What? Marinette slowly walked to the back. As she did, she looked at her old friends. Lila turned behind and gave a her a sly grin. Then she mouthed 'I told you so'. Marinette started to cry. Her friends...... Adrien....


"Marinette!" Marinette heard a voice shout,

"Marinette are you okay? Marinette wake up!"

Marinette's eyes flew open. She sat up and saw Chat. Marinette immediately looked around her. She was in her room. Marinette sighed in relief.

"Oh thank god. Marinette are you okay? You were shaking and talking in your sleep. You seemed to be in pain. Are you okay?" Chat Noir repeated looking straight at her.

Marinette nodded, "Just a bad dream. It's just Lila..."

"Everything is going to be okay Marinette," Chat Noir said hugging her.

Marinette paused for a moment before looking at Chat. Chat Noir knew that face. Chat Noir released her from his hug and stepped away from her. She's gonna explode. He thought. And in 3...2...1...

"Nothing is going to be okay Chat! She will ruin my life! She will make everyone hate me. She will make him hate me!"

"Wait who's this he?"

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