Chapter 12: Chat Blanc

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(is it just me or is Chat Blanc just stunning. He looks so cool in white. But I prefer him as Chat Noir. 😊)

"Hi Adrien. This is Marinette. I just want to tell you that I'm sorry. Like I'm really sorry. I know you're still mad at me and I totally understand why. It's my fault your father got hurt. If I could do anything to bring your father back, I would but I can't. I wish the best for your father and I hope you will forgive me and that we can still be friends. I'm really sorry Adrien."

Adrien sat on his bed as he listened to Marinette's voice through his phone. Adrien's face was emotionless and cold. His eyes were dull and his hair was not combed. Papers, photos and all his stuff strewn on the floor. One might even assume that a hurricane had hit. Tears pricked Adrien's eyes and he wiped them away with his hand. 

"Kid, listen, everything is going to be okay," Plagg tried to comfort him, seeing his holder act this way pained him. 

"Everything is going to be okay? EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY? MY FATHER IS DEAD PLAGG!" Adrien screamed at his Kwami, who backed away, "He was the last of my family Plagg. Now, who knows what's going to happen to me."

(When I first wrote this part, Gabriel was in a coma. But after seeing the actual episode Chat Blanc yesterday…. I want Gabriel dead. Sorry guys but this is what he deserves for child abuse to his son. That's all, read on 😊)

"Your luck will get better Adrien. Have hope."

"Why must it always be me?" Adrien continued to say, completely ignoring Plagg, "First my mother, then my father? What did I do to deserve this? I treated everyone and everything with kindness. After my mother's disappearance, I tried to hide all the pain and walk around with a smile on my face. I did whatever my father told me –photo shoots, fencing, Chinese, piano. I even got good grades in school. SO WHY ME? I DON'T DESERVE THIS!"

"Adrien…."Plagg tried to say again. 

"I hate everyone. I hate my life. But what I hate most is the Miraculouses. If they didn't exist, none of this would have happened. This is all their fault," his tears started to flow down his cheeks. 

His gaze dropped to the ground as the tears fell. Plagg rested his head on Adrien's shoulder and closed his eyes. I can't bear to see him like this. He deserves better. Suddenly, a soft sound of wings flapping could be heard. Plagg jerked his head up and looked towards the window, to where he heard the sound coming from. Oh no. The window! Plagg felt the blood drain from his face. A small black butterfly had flown into Adrien's room. How is there an akuma? We stopped Hawkmoth! How? Plagg thought as the butterfly slowly made his way towards Adrien. Wait, Plagg thought harder, Marinette's akuma…...she didn't purify it! 

"Adrien! Look out!" Plagg shouted at Adrien but Adrien didn't hear him. 

"This is the Miraculouses fault, my father is dead because of them. This is all their–wait, Marinette pushed my father off. She is the real person to blame," Adrien muttered, clenching both his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white. The akuma fluttered into his ring which turned black instantly. Adrien stood up and looked at Plagg, "Marinette took away the last thing I had in my life. Now, it's my turn to return the favour. Plagg, Claws Out!"


Marinette crossed the street to her house. Just as she was about to open the bakery door, she felt her phone vibrate. Chloe? Why is she calling me? 

"Chloe? Why are you–"

"Marinette check the news! It's bad. Like really bad," Chloe interrupted Marinette.

"Why? What happened?" 

"JUST CHECK THE NEWS NOW. It's live," Chloe hissed and she hung up. 

Marinette scoffed at her bossy attitude and entered the bakery. As she went into the living room, she saw her parents on the couch watching the news, they looked as if they had just witnessed a murder. What happened? She took a seat next to her mother and looked at the screen. Marinette's face turned white. On the news was Chat Noir…. But he was, white? Marinette blinked. Is that Chat Noir? His entire suit was white. His eyes that were once gorgeous green, were now sky blue. Marinette blinked again. His blonde hair was white too. He kinda looks like the child of Elsa and Jack Frost, Marinette chuckled to herself before mentally slapping herself. Chat Noir has been akumatized and I need to help him. It is not the time for laughs, Marinette chided herself. She turned her attention back to the news. 

"Paris! I am the new villain, Chat Blanc! Ladybug, I know you are watching this so listen up. You and I have some unfinished business so meet me at the Montparnasse Tower. Be a no-show and I will destroy Paris. You have 20 minutes, DON'T keep me waiting," and the television screen went static. 

The three of them sat there, motionless. My akuma, I didn't purify it. This is all my fault. I have to get out of here. I need to stop Chat Blanc. 

"I –uh, I just remembered I left my textbook with Alya while studying. I have to go and get it," Marinette made an excuse before rushing out of the room. Her parents didn't answer, they were too shocked to do anything.

She ran out of the bakery and started to run. I have to go to Master Fu. He'll know what to do. Suddenly, she felt her phone vibrate again. Alya, Marinette picked up her phone. 

"Alya?" Marinette asked, "Where are you? Chat Blanc. He–"

"Ladybug, listen to me very carefully. Run. Leave Paris! Chat Blanc is too strong. Queen Bee is captured and Carapace is fighting him. Oh god! He got Carapace! No! Chat stop! LET HIM GO! PLEASE!" Rena Rouge shouted at Chat Noir. 

Marinette heard Carapace scream then Rena Rouge's scream. There was a loud crash and Rena Rouge stayed silent for a moment. Marinette waited a response. 

Between sniffles, Reba whispered "Ladybug, leave Paris and don't return. He will kill you." and the line went static. 

"Rena Rouge? Rena Rouge? Alya?ALYA! ALYA CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Marinette shouted in vain. No reply.

Tears welled up in her eyes. Alya, Nino, Chloe, the others ...they are in danger. Marinette looked at the time on her phone. I have 10 more minutes until my 20 minutes is over. I have to help them. I can't leave now. Not when I'm the reason why Chat Noir got akumatized. There is no time to talk to Master Fu. I have to stop Chat Blanc and save everyone else.  

"Tikki!" Marinette called out to her Kwami, who floated out of her bag and looked at Marinette, "I don't care what Alya said. Chat Blanc hurt my friends. I have to help them."

Tikki nodded but Marinette could tell she was worried, "Chat Noir is very powerful. His emotions, they are one of the strongest I've felt in a long time. It won't be easy but I'm ready if you are, Marinette." Tikki answered, every last bit of determination her voice.

"Okay Tikki. Time to save Paris," Marinette said. If Chat Noir wants a fight, so be it. "TIKKI, SPOTS ON!" 

(Sorry I didn't update in so long. I honestly do not know when the next update will be but I really hoped you enjoyed the story so far and please vote. So as usual, I hope you all have a Miraculous day and Stay Connected!😊)

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