Chapter 19: True Colours

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Me: so...i know I haven't updated in a while–


ME: um well yes. Yes I did and I'm sorry....again.

Random dude: you are always sorry. What else are you sorry for this time?

Me: *mumbles* I didn't put in illustrations for this chapter


me: okay I know I said there would be illustrations in this chapter. And there will be. I haven't even completed the first one and that is how terrible I am at managing my time. I will post this chapter now (with my best descriptions) and I will put another announcement I when I  my drawings are up

So yeah that's all.)

Marinette bit her lip nervously. As she rummaged through her closet. What to wear? What to wear? Tired, she sat on the floor and checked the time. The phone read 7.05pm. Marinette's eyes widened in worry and she immediately continued rummaging through her closet. The girls are going to be here in 10 minutes! 

"What about this one Marinette?" Tikki asked, holding up a long blue dress.

"It's nice, but I need to look my best tonight. Let's keep searching," Marinette said before pulling out a pink and white dress. The top was pink and the bottom was all white. The black collar of the dress hugged around her neck, showing off it's elegance. (I really can't write descriptions 😥😰) Marinette smiled in triumph. The dress was designed to be comfortable yet stylish at the same time, "Yes this is perfect!"

Marinette slipped on the dress. It fit like a glove. Smiling, she pulled out her comb and started brushing her hair that was in a mess. 

"So. Many. Tangles," Marinette huffed when she finally managed to de-tangle the jungle she called hair. 

As she did her hair, Marinette heard voices from downstairs before hearing a knock on the door. The person on the other side knocked two times. Marinette grinned mischievously.

"Who's there?" Marinette called out, still not opening the door.

"Girl," Alya rolled her eyes as she sighed from the other side of the door. 

"Girl who?" Marinette called out again, trying her best to suppress her laughter.

Alya burst through the door with Alix, Rose and Juleka behind her laughing, "GIRL WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE. THIS IS NO TIME FOR JOKES!" she exclaimed, laughing a little.

(A/N: them be going "FBI OPEN UP" on Mari 😂. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll stop)

"Okay okay. I'm almost done," Marinette said as she twisted her hair into a bun plait.

"Okay guys come on we're going to be late," Alix said practically dragging all of them out the door.

Marinette turned around and stopped the others, "Wait. Where's Mylene?"

"Oh, she wanted to go with Ivan," Alya informed her, smiling.

"Okay then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Marinette exclaimed, linking arms with her besties as they walked towards the school. 

"You were the one who stopped us," Alix mumbled to herself. (A/N: Well…not quite.)

"It doesn't really matter who stopped us," Marinette tried to cover it up, grinning. 

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