Chapter 13: I'm sorry Chat Noir

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Ladybug jumped and ran on the rooftops to the Montparnasse Tower. Parisians watched in silence as she passed by them. They didn't know whether to be happy that Ladybug was here to save them or be angry that she was probably the reason why Chat Noir got akumatized and wants to destroy Paris. Ladybug paid no attention to them. She had to get to Chat Blanc and purify his akuma before he destroys Paris. 

Using her yo-yo, she swung herself onto the rooftop of the Montparnasse Tower. She slowly walked as she looked for the villain. Chat Blanc could come from anywhere, she thought to herself, I need to be prepared for anything. She started swinging her yo-yo beside her really fast to create a shield. As she continued walking, she saw Queen Bee and Carapace on the ground. They were both unconscious, at least she hoped so. What did Chat Blanc do to them? Then, she heard muffled screams. Curious, she ran towards the sound. She gasped. Right in front of her was Rena Rouge. Her hands and legs were tied and her mouth was taped. The moment she saw Ladybug, she started to struggle even more. Ladybug put her yo-yo away before untying her friend. She took off the tape on Rena Rouge's mouth.

"Rena Rouge, what hap–" Ladybug was interrupted.

"IT'S A TRAP, LADYBUG!" Rena Rouge screamed.

"Wait what do you–" an arm suddenly wrapped around her neck, choking her. 

"Hello, M'lady," Chat Blanc sneered as his other hand reached for Ladybug's Miraculous.

Without hesitation, Ladybug elbowed the villain in the stomach and he let go of her, clutching his stomach in agony. She backed a few steps away from him and took out her yo-yo, ready for a fight. Chat Blanc coughed a few times before straightening up to look at Ladybug.

"Give your Miraculous, Marinette!" Chat Blanc shouted, advancing towards her. 

"Never!" Ladybug spat back at him. 

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, Marinette. So choose," Ladybug didn't answer him, wondering what the hard way was. An evil smile crept onto his face, "I was hoping you'd choose, hard."

Ladybug eyed him carefully as he turned away from him and walked towards a huge piece of cloth that covered some sort of object. The object was odly shaped. What is under that cloth? She thought to herself, taking a defensive step back. Chat Blanc turned to face her again, giving her an evil smirk. 

"Ready?" Chat Blanc asked and Ladybug still remained silent. With an evil twinkle in his eyes, he pulled down the cloth.

Ladybug felt her heart stop. She dropped her yo-yo in shock. Her eyes widened in horror and her face turned ghostly pale. What–? How did he–? She took a step closer to the cloth as tears started to form in her eyes. The object under the cloth…...was her parents.

Marinette's parents were tied up together, unconscious. Ladybug shook her head in disbelief. It can't be. I was just with them before I left. How can they be here? 

"Surprised, Princess?" Chat Blanc smirked, his gaze locked on her. 

Ladybug gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. She picked up her yo-yo and looked back at him. 

"How did you get them?" Ladybug asked him, trying her best to control her anger. 

"I have my ways," Chat Blanc smirked again, "Now, hand over your Miraculous to me or else," Chat Blanc called out his cataclysm, "Unlike those superheroes who have suits to protect them, your parents will not survive my cataclysm." Chat Blanc shifted his gaze to Queen Bee and Carapace.

Ladybug followed his gaze and thought for a moment. Chat Blanc had cataclysmed both of them. His best friends. He wouldn't hesitate to cataclysm my parents. They mean nothing to him. She took a deep breath and turned to Chat Blanc once again. 

"If I give you my Miraculous, will you promise not to hurt anyone else?" she questioned and Chat Blanc nodded without hesitation. Chat Blanc called off his cataclysm. 

"Fine, you win. Take my Miraculous, Chat Noir," Ladybug took off her earrings and she de-transformed back into Marinette. She trusted Chat's word. He had never lied to her. 

"As you can see, I am no longer Chat Noir. I am Chat Blanc," Chat Blanc told her. Marinette's gaze fell to the ground.

Looking up to meet his eyes, she spoke in a soft voice, "But to me, you will always be Chat Noir."

Tikki flew out of her earrings, and looked at Marinette, tired. I'm sorry, she mouthed to her looking into her Kwami's violet eyes. Tikki looked at her owner then gave her a small smile. Stay strong Marinette, she mouthed. Carrying the earrings, Tikki flew to Chat Blanc. When Tikki was about a metre away from him, he grabbed her with his left hand. Being too weak, Tikki couldn't release herself from Chat Noir's grip. Then he started to squeeze Tikki. Tikki squirmed and started gasping for air. 

"Let her go!" Marinette shouted, tears threatening to flow down her cheeks, "You said you wouldn't hurt anyone anymore! You promised, Chat! YOU PROMISED!"

(A/N: so much for Trust, Marinette *sigh*)

"Paw-lease, promises are meant to be broken, Princess," Chat Blanc sneered, squeezing Tikki even more, "You took my father away from me. He was the last family I ever had! He was the last person who I cared for. You said you loved me. But if you really did love me, you would never have killed my father. Now, you will pay. Everyone you love will die! Your Kwami and then everyone else ...INCLUDING YOU, MARINETTE!"

"Chat please don't," Marinette pleaded, but he already called out his Cataclysm.

"MEGA CATACLYSM!" Chat Blanc shouted, creating a huge ball of white energy in his right hand. He hurled the energy at Marinette. 

Now there was no suit to protect her. Marinette shook her head in disappointment as the energy headed towards her. This is all my fault. If only I hadn't killed his father. I turned him into this. This villain. This is all my fault. She started to remember all the times when she and Chat Noir fought off villains together. His lame puns and jokes, his flirtatious attempts to make her fall for him. She remembered all the times when Chat Noir risked his life for her. The time when he jumped in front of her when they fought Timebreaker and almost died. When he shielded her from Dark Cupid and when he protected her from the villain Chameleon. The time when he sacrificed his own life (in the game) so Ladybug could defeat Gamer 2.0.

Then she remembered all the times she had together with Adrien. Sneaking him to the movies and helping him escape from his fans. When he comforted her when she felt insecure about her design for the Gabriel Agreste fashion show. The time he gladly helped her to translate words for Marinette when she needed help talking to her uncle who only spoke Chinese. She remembered the time when he stepped in front of her just so he could catch her after she tripped on the staircase. She closed her eyes as she remembered the day they first met when Adrien gave her his umbrella. Marinette smiled. She would never forget those moments they shared. Those moments would always have a special place in her heart and she would treasure them forever. As the ball of energy neared her, she crouched down and even though she knew she was going to die, she placed a hand on the ground to keep her balance and the other, shielding her face.

"I'm sorry, Chat Noir, " Marinette whispered as she braced herself.

The End.

Just kidding 😝. This is not The End lmao. I'm sorry it took so long for me to post this chapter. There are more chapters coming up don't worry.

I just watched the episodes Félix and Chat Blanc. They were both so cool. I still can't decide which is better though. Which episode do you guys think is better? Leave a comment which one you think was more epic.

Please remember to vote and I'll try to post the next chapter soon so Stay Connected! 😁

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