Chapter 6: This Feeling

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Adrien walked into Collège Françoise Dupont and headed to class. As he walked into the locker room, he heard a familiar voice. Adrien hide behind the lockers as he watched the two girls. 

"I don't want to do this anymore Lila!" Marinette exclaimed then pointed at Lila, "You and I made a deal Lila. You've got your revenge so delete that video already!"

Revenge? Marinette didn't say anything about revenge. Adrien leaned closer.

"Yes I made a deal with you Marinette but I never said how long the deal would last, did I?" Lila retorted, wagging her finger in Marinette's face. 

Marinette started to cry, "You can't keep doing this to me Lila. I know you hate me but you need to know when is enough. I can't keep doing this to my friends. They will hate me. He will hate me." 

Wait who is he? What does this boy have anything to do with this? Adrien thought as he continued to eavesdrop.

"That's the point Marinette! On the inside you know you deserve this. You don't deserve him anyway. I do! And I will do anything and I mean everything I can to make him hate you. Soon, everyone will hate you. Just you wait Marinette," Lila told her. And she walked out, after swishing her long brown hair in Marinette's face. (does this make sense to you guys?) 

Marinette let her knees give way and she dropped to the ground. She knelt there and let her tears fall. Marinette buried her face in her hands. What am I going to do? If I don't stop her, she will ruin my life as Marinette. But I do try and stop her, she tell everyone I'm Ladybug. And that would be the end of me being a superhero. I don't know what to do! Marinette started to sob. Her tears flowed down her cheeks like a stream. 

Adrien didn't move from behind the lockers. He watched Marinette cry in silence. At that moment all he wanted to do was to embrace her and tell her everything was going to be okay. But on the inside he knew everything wasn't going to be okay. Marinette is a strong person. She would never cry unless the situation was that bad. Adrien felt tears rolling down his cheek. His vision became blurry with the tears. Adrien remembered all the times when Marinette took charge under pressure and how amazing she was. Then, Adrien felt something. He could not describe what he was feeling. It was the same feeling he felt on the night Marinette gave him her umbrella at the rooftop. Adrien paused. What was this mysterious feeling? He looked over to Marinette. It was then when he realised that he loved her. He realised that he loved Marinette more than just a friend. The girl crying in front of him was the girl he never realised he had a crush on. Adrien felt so frustrated. How could I have not realised this? How could I have not realised my adoration for her? And her smile, her beautiful eyes, her melodious laugh. How much I would give to hear her laugh again. Adrien looked at her one more time before he whispered.

"Marinette? Are you okay?"

Marinette immediately wiped her tears. She hadn't realised he was there. She turned around to see Adrien come out from behind the lockers. 

"H-h-how long have you been standing there?" Marinette asked anxiously.

"I umm. I just came and saw you, " Adrien touched his neck nervously. He was not the best liar, " Are you okay? What happened to you?"

Adrien helped Marinette to her feet. Her eyes were sore and red from crying. Her hair looked as if she was in a hurricane. Marinette smiled at him, but didn't answer his question. Adrien didn't ask her again. Instead, he started to walk with Marinette to class. Their first class was Science again. Adrien and Marinette heard the school bell ring. We're late for Ms Mendeleiev's class and if she catches us, we will have a meeting with the principal. Adrien and Marinette looked at each other and sighed. 

"Do you wanna sneak into class together?" Adrien asked, a sly smirk creeping onto his face. 

Marinette smirked back then pointed a finger at him, "Just don't let her catch you."

Woo-hoo 6th chapter done! I hoped you guys liked it Chapter 7 coming soon. As usual, I hope u guys have a Miraculous day ahead and Stay Connected! 😊😁

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