Chapter 14: Out of Luck

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She could feel her surroundings getting hotter and hotter. She shut her eyes tight. Then she heard a voice shout. 

"Shelter!" the person shouted, jumping in front of her.

Marinette looked up. Carapace! A green force field appeared from his shield. Thankfully, the cataclysm only broke the shield. Marinette stood up and looked at Chat Blanc, who was too shocked to say anything.

"H-how did you–?" Chat Blanc stuttered, "You were unconscious a few minutes ago!"

Carapace scoffed before saying, "I was unconscious. Not dead, Adrien. It was just your luck that I woke up just in time to help Marinette," Carapace laughed.

"Whatever, you just wasted your special power. I have infinite cataclysms. There won't be a shield to protect you this time. Catacly–" he suddenly stopped. 

Chat Blanc didn't blink. He just stood there, as if he was paused or something. Then another voice spoke. 

"Hey guys! If you haven't noticed, I'm awake too!" Queen Bee announced, emerging from behind Chat Blanc, who still hasn't moved an inch. 

Queen Bee waved a hand in front of Chat Blanc's face. He didn't blink or move. Queen Bee shrugged and smiled. Carapace and Marinette looked at each other questioningly before realising what she did to the villain.

"Her power is Venom," they both said in unison.

"Duh," Queen Bee said, strutting towards them, "I paralysed him and now he can't move. But it won't be for long though. He will be able to move in a few minutes."

"Where is Rena Rouge?" Marinette asked the two of them. 

"She said she was going to try and evacuate the city. Don't worry, she helped untie your parents too. They are safe now thanks to her," Queen Bee explained.

Marinette sighed in relief when she heard about her parents. At least they will be safe, she thought to herself. 

"But there is no way she can evacuate the city by herself. Not in time," Marinette muttered before speaking again, "You and Carapace should go and help her. I'll try to stay here and stop Chat Blanc."

"But he will be able to move in less than a minute!" Queen Bee reminded her, eyes widened in worry. 

"Yeah. And you won't have us to protect you anymore. He also took your Miraculous. You cannot defend yourself either. Come with us, Marinette," Carapace chimed in.

"It was my fault he was akumatized in the first place. Someone must stay. If we don't, he will cataclysm the entire city before anyone can even get to safety. I will try to distract him for as long as I can. In the meantime, get everyone out of this city," Marinette explained to them her plan.

Queen Bee and Carapace paired a glance worriedly, before nodding. They were about to go when Marinette called them again. 

"Whatever you do. DO NOT come back for me. I can't bear to see someone else get hurt because of me."

The two superheroes stayed silent for a moment. Then nodded.

"Good luck Marinette," Queen Bee told her. 

Marinette nodded and the two superheroes ran off. She turned to Chat Noir. Where could the akuma be? Marinette walked towards the villain and looked at his suit. Where could it be? Think Marinette think, she told herself. She turned her gaze to his bell, took it off and broke it. No Akuma. She took off his baton and broke it. Still no Akuma. Marinette grunted in frustration. Where is that Akuma? She walked behind him and took off his belt. She broke it, but still, no Akuma. Marinette bit her lip. She rubbed her forehead to think. Then she got an idea. His ring! She bent down to grab it but a voice stopped her dead in her tracks. 

"Are you finally done checking me out, Princess?" Chat Blanc asked her, smirking as he turned around to face her. 

Marinette quickly stood up and backed away from him in fear. Chat Blanc chuckled and shook his head. 

"Need I remind you that I still have this little pest," Chat Blanc told her, opening his clenched fist slightly to show a small red creature struggling to breathe–now, weak as ever. 

"Tikki!" Marinette shouted, "Let her go Chat!"

"Why?" Chat Blanc asked, "Because of you and your pathetic friends, my prisoners escaped. So, I might as well just–" 

"Chat please! " Marinette pleaded, tears welling up in her bluebell eyes, "Please don't do this! Please Chat! PLEASE DON'T!"

"Fine. I won't say...CATACLYSM!" Chat Blanc called out his cataclysm on his right hand–the same hand he held Tikki.

"NO!" Marinette screamed as she lunged towards Chat Blanc but she was too late.

He dropped Tikki on the ground like she was worthless garbage. Marinette scrambled to her and placed Tikki on her hand. She knelt on the ground as she stared at the creature. Tikki shivered as parts of her body turned light grey. Marinette set Tikki on the ground gently. She turned her head to look at Marinette.

"Tikki?" Marinette started to cry, "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. P-Please don't go. Don't leave me. Please."

"M-Marinette. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'll be okay. You'll be okay," Tikki told her, gasping for air as the lower part of her body turned grey.

"No. It's not going to be okay. I can't do this without you Tikki," Marinette sniffled, her eyes red and swollen from crying, "Please don't go. I Need you. Please."

"I-I will a-always be with you Marinette," Tikki gasped as her neck slowly turned grey.

The cataclysm spread to her face. Marinette saw Tikki's eyes roll upward and her Kwami's entire body turned grey. Marinette stopped crying and looked at her. 

"Tikki? Tikki. No no no please," she tried to pick her Kwami but the moment she touched her, Tikki's body crumbled into dust. She was gone.

Marinette then felt something. She didn't know what it was but it felt horrible. It felt like a million knives were stabbed into her back. She struggled to breathe normally. Marinette suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous. Her throat suddenly became dry and she couldn't speak. Her hands shook uncontrollably as she watched the wind blow the dust away. She bit her lip to control her tears but they kept flowing like a leaking tap. There is nothing I can do to bring her back. Tikki is gone.... And it's all my fault.

Sooooo that's it for Chapter 14. I hoped you enjoyed my story so far. I am so sorry i haven't posted this in a loooong time. I have already started writing my Chapter 15 and I hopefully, I can post it either tomorrow or the day after. Now is about 11.45pm in my country and I'm like really really tired. I haven't been getting much sleep the for past few days either. Anyway, I will try my best to complete the next chapter ASAP. Remember to vote and Stay Connected for Chapter 15! 😊

I'm gonna go sleep now soooo yeeeeeeet! 😂😂

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