17. Perfume

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Jack yawned while waiting in the line at the grocery store in the mall. He needed to buy some food, so he doesn't become too skinny to wear a heavy springlock suit.

After he paid for his stuff, he took the bag and began walking to the undergroud parking lot, where his orange Mercedes Benz was parked, in the lot for disabled people, because he does whatever he wants.

But then, he stopped in his tracks and looked at one Perfume store, where perfume and cologne was sold.

He decided to enter, cause why not? He hadn't really worn any cologne after the springlock accident.

He tested some of cologne, with deep, rich smells. He put them back. In the women's section, he saw a familiar perfume bottle. It was his mother's.

He picked it up, and tested it on his orange wrist. The smell reminded him of his mother.

He then saw a fancy looking bottle next to it. It was... Orange perfume?

Jack sprayed some of it on his other wrist and took a long sniff, his white pupils expanding.

It smelled so good!

It was women's perfume, so what? Jack's buying it.

It costed a lot, but it was worth it.

As soon as he came back home, he dropped the grocery bag in the kitchen and took the perfume bottle and sprayed a lot of it over his clothes.

He kind of felt like he was addicted to the smell like it was cocaine.

Next day...

"Why hello there, Old..." Dave stopped for a second. Just when Jack entered the saferoom, he could smell perfume.

Jack's smile changed into an equally confused look on his face. "W-What, something wrong, Dave?" He stepped forward, slowly reaching out his right hand.

Surprizingly, Dave backed away from him a step. This wasn't like him at all.

"S-Sportsy- I-" He tried to speak, but he lowered his head and speedwalked to his Spring Bonnie suit. "I'll just go entertain kiddins for now..." he began putting on the suit, a little quicker than usual, but not too fast so he doesn't get springlocked.

"U-Uh... Ok... I'll follow you out later..." Jack replied, waiting for the other man to put on the suit.

Once Dave left, Jack tried to think before putting on Spring Freddy. Why was Dave acting so distant and cold all of a sudden?

Was it something he did earlier? Nothing was coming to his head. Maybe Dave figured out that Jack has feelings for him and now he is ignoring him?!

"No way..." Jack thought after taking a deep breath and started putting on the suit.

He had completely forgotten that he sprayed a lot of perfume on his work clothes, before changing them into something else.


Dave sat in the bathroom, hardly fitting in a stall, cause of the springlock suit.

He was about to cry, but he held it in, not wanting to get the suit wet even slightly.

"I thought we had something special... It can't be... It isn't true..." Dave's thoughts made his head hurt.

If he had a heart, it would be ripped to shreds.

Jack smelled like women's perfume. So... He had met someone. He probably has a girlfriend he didn't tell Dave about. She wears a lot of perfume, it seemed.

The aubergine in a suit exited the bathroom, and entered the dining area, seeing Jack in a Spring Freddy suit with his sock-puppet and phone-head siblings.

"Golly gee, Jack! Did you bathe in perfume or something? Jebus!" Peter's head was a phone, but he could still smell it. Fuck logic.

"Ooh, have you been seeing someone, bro?" Dee made a comment too.

"Uh, uh... No?" Jack was sweating in his bear suit. It was visible even to Dave.

"Oh, common! You can tell us!" Dee tried to make Jack tell them, but he just walked away, embarrassed.


6 pm, 6 pm! Time to go home!

Just when Dave removed the suit, Jack was outside the saferoom, without his own suit, waiting for him.

Dave was in a really bad mood, so he just tried to walk past the orange man, but he wouldn't allow it so easily.

"Dave." Jack stated firmly, grabbing the taller man's shoulder with his hand. "What's wrong? Did I do something? Why are you avoiding me?"

"It's nothing, Old Sport." Dave stated, trying to shake off the tangerine's hand on him, but he failed.

"Don't you give me this "it's nothing" bullshit. Spill the beans." Jack put his other hand on another one of Dave's shoulders.

Dave looked to the side, staying quiet for a few seconds. Jack then slowly lowered both of his hands.

Dave then sniffed, holding back tears.
"Who is she, Sportsy?" He asked, trying to control his emotions.

Jack was beyond confused. "Huh?"

"What's her name?" Dave asked again, faking a smile. "You can tell me, Sportsy!" Jack could see right through the man. He looked... Sad?

Jack then remembered about the perfume and decided to tell Dave that it wasn't what he thought it was. "Oh, about that, I-" Jack scratched his neck, going a little red.

"How did you meet? What is she like? Did you know each other for long?" Dave asked more questions, in hope to calm himself down.

"Dave!" Jack screamed, a little too loud, making the aubergine man jump a bit.

"Dave, I don't have a girlfriend. I just... Well, I found some perfume and I bought it, cause I though it smelled really nice. I forgot that I put a lot of it on my work clothes, haha..." Jack explained everything, as Dave analyzed him to see if Jack was being genuinly honest.

It looked like... He was?

"That's... Weird, Old Sport..." Dave raised his eyebrow, doubting the orange's explanation.

"For fuck's sake..." Jack cursed to himself, then pulled Dave down and kissed him on the lips.

Dave was too shocked to actually feel the moment. But he understood what Jack meant. He could feel his gut knotting, out of happiness.

He grinned widely, unable to feel his red cheeks. Before Jack could say anything, he pulled the man to himself and kissed him again. This time, they could actually be in the moment. They could feel the passion.

After a solid minute, they pulled away, still being close to each other.

"I love you, Dave. I'm surprized you didn't notice that." Jack laughed, holding Dave tightly.

"I love you too, Sportsy. You honestly scared me a little today..." Dave admitted.

They stared lovingly into each other's eyes, Dee watching them from the end of the hallway. She cracked open a soda can she was holding, keeping her black eyes on the couple.

"Uh... We're having a moment here, sis!" Dave said when he saw the puppet levitating in the hallway.

"And I'm having a drink." Dee answered, before taking a long sip of that coke.

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