31. The End.

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"Goddammit..." Henry sweared one last time in a deep, raspy voice before dissapearing from the black, empty void.

Everyone felt a rush of relief and happiness, that the man that affected their lives negatively in one way in another was actually gone now.

Dave still felt a bit attached to the pink man, since he was brainwashed by him for years.

However, Jack was still sad. He knew he can't go. He's soulless. He didn't know what will happen to his vessel, all covered in orange make-up, after all of this.

The worst was that he knew he should've told Dave how he felt sooner. But he didn't, cause he was scared. Right now, he simply HAS to tell him. He can't keep these feelings hidden inside from Dave any longer.

- - -

"Goodbye, Jack..." Dee hugged Jack, starting to fade away.

"Goodbye sis, I'll see you soon." Jack lied, trying to put on a happy smile of a person, who is pretty sure they'll go to heaven.

After Dee was gone, Dave walked up closer to him, scratching the back of his head, like he has something to confess too. "So... It's me and you now, eh?"

Blackjack sat down and waited for them to share what they felt, cause he felt a weird atmosphere in the backgroud between them.

"Dave... I lied to the others. I can't go. I'm soulless. There's no part of me that can follow you." Jack quickly said that, tears already escaping his eyes involunterally.

Dave's expression saddened immedeatly, as he stepped a bit closer to the orange man, hugging him. He didn't know how to comfort him, but he tried to show that he cares about him. "J-Jack... I have something to tell you, that I kept away from you for years..."

"Dave, I have something to tell you too..." Now is the best time to tell him.

"I love you." They both said in unison.

Then they looked at each other and said "what, really?" In unison again, staring into each other's black and white eyes for a while.

Then the laughed and closed their eyes, getting so close to each other, like never before, to kiss.

It felt so good, passionate, and right.

After the kiss, Jack hugged the purple man tighter, to cry into his chest. He felt both sad, that he couldn't do this sooner in life, and both happy that he confessed. Better later than never.

Dave also began shedding tears, remembering that Jack can't go together with him, to the other side.

Jack pulled away and put something in Dave's hands.

"What's this?" Dave looked at a dark purple collar with the name "Blackjack" on it.

"It's Blackjack's collar. I can't go with you, but my soul will always be together with you." Jack explained, trying to stop even more tears from spilling, especially after seeing Dave beginning to shine, meaning he is fading away.

Dave picked up the shadaw doggo, and kissed Jack one more time. "Thanks for putting me back together..."

Jack smiled as he watched him completely fade away, together with his soul.

After he closed his eyes again, he could feel the heat of his surroundings burning his skin. He didn't feel like he was in pain, and was supposed to scream as loud as possible so someone can save him.

He was inside his own restaurant, burning to ashes. He could see all the robots, including Davetrap, lying on the floor, dead.

On the burning stage, there was The Real Fredbear.

Jack nodded at him, knowing he has now, after so many years, fulfilled his promise.

Fredbear nodded back, confirming that it's all over now.

It's the happy ending.

- - -

A/N : Since now I'm pretty sure I won't be writing Jack x Dave fanfiction, I moved this chapter from the 2nd book. Just think of this as the very end of this book. (Yes, the title is inspired by MCR, don't blame me)

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