19. Radical Ending Pt. 2

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Jack walked down the street in California, to his own pizzeria he opened not too long ago. He had salvaged a Withered Freddy, even.

"I wonder, how Harry is getting it on..." He thought to himself, but his thoughts were cut off.

He heard soft trombone music play somewhere nearby. The player, Jack guessed, was self taught, playing on the streets for bread.

He decided to follow the music, and yep. He was right. It was a skinny small boy, sitting on an empty street, a massive trombone in his hands. Well, it was just a normal trombone, but it looked big held by that boy.

The boy looked up at him with those sad eyes, that pierced Jack's heart.

He suddendly remembered.

All the stories Dave told him. When he was taught to play the trombone as a kid by drunktards, so he can perform on the New York streets.

Before Jack could start crying from all the memories, he crouched in front of the poor kid, who stopped playing the trombone to look at the orange man in front of him.

"Hey, kid. What's your name?" Jack asked him, smiling.

The kid didn't trust him at first, but with a shaky voice, he answered. "J-James..."

"How old are you, James? Why are you on the streets?" Jack tilted his head at him.

"I'm 14 years old. My parents abandoned me, and now I'm all alone. I play the trombone to get some money for food..." He answered, his fingers absent-mindedly toying with his ragged shirt.

"James, do you maybe want to come to my pizza joint? It's not far from here, actually. It's called "bear." And has a Freddy head above the title." Jack offered, standing up.

James stood up, holding his instrument tightly. He shook from the cold. "Y-You aren't gonna do anything bad to me, r-right?"

Jack then took off his jacket and helped James get dressed.

"No, I'm not going to do anything bad to you, James! I'm a good person!" Jack said, but when he remembered how he killed 5 kids with Dave, and then left the purple man alone in Vegas after a hookup, he felt a sting in his chest.

James looked around, then smiled. "O-Okay... Thanks, Orange Man."

"Call me Jack. Jack Kennedy."

"Oh, I remember you! I heard kids talk about some "Jack" that opened a pizzeria! So you're actually the owner of it?" James asked, his anxiety almost vanishing as they walked together.

"Uh, yeah. I'm the owner." Jack smiled awkwardly, scratching his neck.

"Why did you name it "bear."? That's such a weird restaurant name... Like, just the word "bear."" James asked again, confused.

Jack didn't really have an answer for such a difficult question, so he shrugged. James nodded, in understanent.

"Don't get too attached to this kid... You have to right all the wrongs, you have to save the souls! You must deal with Dave..." Jack's thoughts circled around his brain, but when he walked with James, he looked at him and smiled. James seemed to trust him.

Oh god. That smile... It's like Jack would protect this kid with his life. It made him feel extremely guilty for killing these kids in Bakersfield location.

He hoped that the kid would never find out what he had done.


"Sir-" Harry started, but when he saw that there was a smaller figure with Jack's jacket beside his boss, he stopped talking.

"Wow, why is his head a phone?" James pointed at Harry.

"James, don't point at people, it's rude!" Jack scolded the teen. It's like Jack's childish behavior suddendly drowned in the ballpit.

James lowered his finger. "I'm very sorry, phone-headed man." He apologized to Harry.

There was an awkward silence.

"Sir, is that... Your son? I never knew you had family that's still alive!" Harry asked, fixing his tie.

"Harry, this is James. I found him on the streets, playing the trombone. I... Decided to take him in here." Jack introduced.

Then, the tangerine turned to James. "James, this is Harry, my most loyal phone-headed employee. Please be respectful to him."

"Hello, Mr. Harry! I really like your phone!" James shook Harry's hand politely.

Harry clasped his hands together, blushing slightly. No kid was ever that polite to him. "T-Thanks, James! And you don't have to call me Mr. Harry, just call me Harry!"

Jack smiled. It was so cute to see his employee and son get along. Wait, what? James isn't his son, what the fuck?

Jack shook his head at his own thoughts and got back to reality. He then realised that Freddy's is a dangerous place. What if he gets killed?! Drowns in the ballpit?! Bitten by Freddy?! Eats poisonous pizza?! Gets dragged away by scuttlers?! Gets kidnapped by Matt?! Okay, no, that was an exaggeration. Matt was a cool guy, despite his creepy smile.

"Jeez, since when am I so protective of a random child?" Jack thought to himself.

"Mr. Jack, I'm kind of hungry..." James complained quietly, his stomach rumbling.

Jack took the kid's trombone and left it on his office's desk.

"I can cook some pizza for you, James!" Harry offered.

Jack then narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "What ingredients do we have?"

"Well, we have some mouldy bases, pepperoni, cheese, grated soup, an rusted beer can-" Harry whispered to his orange boss, so James doesn't hear anything.

Jack flipped his shit at that moment. "NO. DUMPSTER. PIZZA."

"But you're okay with feeding other ki-" Harry started, but was cut off.

"I REPEAT. NO. DUMPSTER. PIZZA." he yelled so loud, that James had to cover his ears.

"Oh, I'm sorry for yelling, James... Wait here, ok? I'll buy some pizza ingredients, ok?" Jack smiled, then turned to Harry.

"Harry, you better look out for your kid like you would look out for your eyes. If something happens to him, you know what I'll do."

Harry nodded, getting sweaty already. "Y-Y-Yes, sir!"

"Good! I'll be right back, boys!" Jack then walked out of the restaurant, taking his car keys out of his pocket.


"James! Don't go near Freddy!"

"James, wait, don't jump in that ballpit!"

"James, don't talk to Oscar!"

"James, don't ask Music Man for advice!"

James got bored of all the rules. When he hid in some secret room, where a mouldy bear suit sat at, he found a tape.

When he listened to it, he heard Jack's voice. It had a lot of mumbling and stuttering in it, along with robot suit wearing instructions.

He laughed at the tape's awkwardness. But then, he felt someone's presence in the shadows, behind him. Not a comfortable atmosphere.

Before he could turn around, purple hands covered his mouth, making him unable to scream for help.

In the saferoom, nobody outside it would hear him anyway.

He felt himself getting strangled, as tears escaped his eyes.

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