29. Cuts Pt. 2 [TRIGGER WARNING]

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7:46 PM.

Dave had just come back home from robbing a grocery store.

He dropped the bags in the kitchen, taking out a pack of Doritos and an energy drink.

The aubergine had recently installed some cameras in Old Sport's house, to see what he's up to in his house.

Well, yes, Old Sport did refuse to kill kids with him, but maybe he will be on his side this time?

That wasn't really the reason why he implemented all those cameras, he only lied to himself.

Dave plopped on a scratched chair and turned on the camera monitor. "Time to check on my Orange Baby!"

The first camera wiew was his bedroom. Not creepy. At all. Yeah.

Then, his bathroom. Still not creepy.

The living room, Old Sport ain't there!

Dave sighed, before clicking on the kitchen's camera.

The sight made him choke on the chip he didn't chew. "W-What?! What happened to Sportsy?!" He gripped his hair, looking at Jack, laying in a pool of his own blood, his arm slit open,

"That cocksucker left the weapon in the crime scene?! Is he an idiot? Oh, just you wait, whoever laid a hand on my Orange Baby!"

Dave had to act fast. Yes, they weren't friends, but Dave needed to do something.

He threw the chips away and spilled his energy drink on the floor cause of the rush, running to get the injury medicine he surprizingly had in his cupboards.

Without second thoughts or doubts, he threw the meds and supplies in his car, starting it immedeatly.

He drove by every single red light and a speed bump, almost causing a car accident.

He pulled up in Jack's driveway and stopped the car, agressivelly pulling out the keys.

Dave stepped out of the car and took the supplies.

He then ran up to the door and tried opening it. Of course, it's locked.

There was a little window in the living room, so he ran by it, and broke it with his elbow, jumping inside the house on the sofa.

Bumping off of it, he ran to the kitchen, seeing Jack in the same position he was when Dave checked the camera.

Dave got on his knees, neverminding the blood that was getting on his pants.

"Don't worry, Sportsy... I'll save you..."

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Brightness. Blurry brightness.
Jack couldn't feel his left hand at all, but he could feel the rest of his body, under a soft familiar cover.

He slowly opened his eyes, seeing whiteness. "Is this what heaven feels like?"

He remembered that he is immortal, and that the whiteness above him is his ceiling, which has a few tiny cracks on it.
"Damn you, Fredbear..."

He sat up, and noticed that he is in his room. He looked at his injured arm, taking off the white duvet off of it.

It was bandaged, to his surprize. His eyes widened. "Wait... Who did this? Who saved me?"

It definetly isn't someone he knows.

His family is dead, and he doesn't have any friends.

"Miss me, Sportsy?" He heard a voice from his right side. He quickly turned his head, to see a tall purple man, squating besides the bed.

Dave x Jack OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now