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Request by : lookineedsleep
I dunno if this is okay or not, but... Here you go... (There will be a part 2, don't worry)



Jack opened the doors of the new restaurant in California. The inside of the brand new Freddy's location was surprizingly colourful and joyful, if you don't look closer and see a bunch of mold and ciggaretes hidden around the place.

Despite the background being pleasing, the tangerine felt nothing.
Not happiness, not sadness, just nothing.

His eyes were emotionless, while the face was at least trying to fake a cheery smile at the Phone Guy.

That man with a Phone for his head was Peter, his brother.

"It's my fault. It's all my fault." Jack's thoughts spun in his head non-stop as he was following Phone Guy to his office.

"First things, first! What's your name, employee?" Jack finally came back to earth when the Phone Man asked for his name.

It would be a lot smarter to use fake names and keep changing them, but Jack didn't really care about anything anymore.

"Jack." He said, his eyes trained on the Phoney's head, where his eyes are supposed to be.

A little creeped out, the Phone Guy moved forward with the job interview. "Are there any medical issues we should know about?"

Jack put on a fake smile, joking to brighten the mood. Knowing his brother, he would take the joke seriously anyway. "I'm sexually attracted to robots"

- - -

After the job interwiew, Jack walked out of the security office, he felt the coldness hit him again.

Lonely. He felt lonely.

Being with his long lost brother was at least a little comforting. But now he was alone, in the dining area, a few customers looked at him in confusion for a few seconds before looking away.

He put his hand in his pocket, letting his fingers trace the sharp edges of the blade he always carries.

"I can't... I won't..." He thought to himself, but he simply stopped. No one was there for him anyway. He lost everyone he cared about. There was only him left.

He wanted to commit suicide for years, since his parents died, but he still had to take care of his sister.

Also, his brother was alive.

But when they both died, Jack felt numb.

Now, his goal is to save all the kids and employees that haunt the Freddy's.

Not killing himself felt like huge stones on his shoulders, weighing him down. But, he had found a way to cope.

Jack entered the bathroom and closed himself in a stall, sitting down on the toilet seat.

He took out his sharp blade and dug the corner of it into his orange skin, and slid it up his arm.

"Gnhgh... Kch..." Jack gritted his teeth as tears escaped his black and white eyes, pain surging throught his whole body.

When he took the blade away from his wound, he dropped it onto the floor, letting blood drip from the wound on it.

He relaxed, and looked at the ceiling, suddendly feeling alive again.

The physical pain took away his emotional pain, at least for a little bit.

Taking deep breaths and smiling to nobody but himself, Jack took some toilet paper and took a good 15 minutes to clean all the mess he made.

Out of his other pocket, he took out some orange make-up and a brush, and covered up his new fresh scar, like it was never there.

When he heard little kids coming to the restroom to play hide and seek, the orange exited the bathroom, trying to ignore the kids.

- - -

"Why can't I just springlock myself?" A toxic thought came to Jack's mind when he was carefully compressing the springlocks in the suit.

He pushed the thought away, when he compressed the last springlock.

Furthermore, it was a surprize that the Purple Man that killed the kids in the last location wasn't here already.

"He will come back. He always does."

Jack walked out in his golden bear suit to at least try to make some tokens while making a kid or two happy.

- - -

"Well, this is desolate." Jack thought while his TV flashed doggo commercials at him.

Time passes way to irregularly for him. Sometimes too fast, sometimes painfully slow.

Meh, why not do it now, nobody will care anyway. He shoved his hand in his pocket, and... He felt nothing there.

A wave of paranoia washed over his body. Maybe he put the blade in his other pocket?

He searched through the other pocket, and there was nothing but his "emergency make-up".

"Ah shit... I left it in the bathroom..." Jack scrunched his nose in anger, slapping himself on one cheek and then on the other. It was another way of self harm, a little less effective for him.

After his cheeks cooled down, he stood up, and went to the kitchen.

He took a huge cutting knife, which definetly would do a lot of harm and would leave huge scars.

Since his favourite blade was gone, he will have to use this one...

Jack slit open his left arm, way easier than he expected to. His vision was getting blurrier and blurrier with every second, no, milisecond passing by.

Before he could see how much blood leaked out, and how good and bad it feels, he hit the floor.

He couldn't move a single muscle.
The tangerine only felt his blood soak his orange clothes, and his chest rising up, then falling down rapidly.

This wasn't good. Oh no no. It felt like Death himself was waiting for him by the doorway to hell.

"This is what I deserve" Jack closed his eyes, not having enough energy to keep them open.

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