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The sun filtering in through the window was what woke me up.

The warm rays touched my face, warming my skin, and I blinked open my eyes, still groggy from sleep, my vision blurry.

I reached up a hand to try to rub the night's rest from my eyes as I said in a voice still heavy with sleep, "Joonie? What time is it?"

When there was no response, I dropped the hand from my eyes, my vision now clearer than before, but still not fully recovered yet, and fumbled around in the pocket of my sweatshirt for my phone. Finding it, I pulled it out and glanced down as the screen lit up at my touch, squinting my eyes slightly against the bright neon display.




It suddenly all came back to me.

All of us, watching a movie in the living room of the dorm together, staying up late, laughing and joking and eating, not paying any attention to the time.

We must have fallen asleep.

And now we were late.

"Oh shi-!" I trailed off before the curse word left my mouth, startling upward.

The sudden movement disturbed Hobi, who had been asleep, his head on my shoulder, his feet tucked up tightly underneath the blanket covering his lap. He sat up, his hair disheveled, his mouth open slightly, as he blinked at me through tired eyes. "What's going on?"

I pushed Kook off of me, his head had been resting firmly in my lap and my legs were now asleep, and stumbled to my feet, as both he and Hobi started to wake, offering mutters of complaints under their breath at my disturbance.

I ignored them, my thoughts racing in panic, as I tried to get my legs to wake up completely, stumbling over the sleeping bodies of Jimin and Tae on the floor beside the couch as I tried to navigate the dimly lit room.

"Noona! You just stepped on my arm!" Jimin's sleep laced voice broke through the silence of the room, Tae sitting up from beside him, his hair rumpled and his blanket still pulled tightly around his shoulders as he blinked slowly, trying to wake himself up.

"Sorry, Jiminie, but we have to get up! We're late! Oh gosh. The producers are going to kill me." My voice volume increased as my statement ran on, a tribute to the panic that was ever growing in my chest.

I raced to the other side of the couch, where Namjoon and Jin were still asleep, somehow, through all of the noise, and roughly shook their shoulders, glancing over my shoulder at the others as I did so, pleased to see that they were all sitting up now, blinking and groaning to one another.

"What's the big idea?" Jin opened his eyes and glared at me slightly, letting out a large yawn as he straightened and stretched his arms above his head. "Don't you know that everyone else needs their beauty sleep, hyeong? Not me, of course. I'm already too beautiful."

Namjoon startled awake beside him, sitting up so quickly and flailing out with his arms wildly that he hit Jin in the face and almost collided with me before I stepped out of his range.

"Ow!" Jin yelped out, ducking away from Namjoon as he held his nose.

"Sorry, Jin." Namjoon glanced over at him sheepishly before his gaze met mine. He instantly saw the panic in my eyes and his tone changed almost immediately, from apologetic to concerned, "(F/N)? What's wrong?"

"We're late. For the interview. We have to leave. Now."

"Crap." At my words, Namjoon jumped up from the couch and instantly started issuing orders to the other members, his tone urgent.

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