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The shock that flashed across Joon's face reflected the same shock that I felt inside every fiber of my being at the hostess's words.

"Oh. Well, you know...." Joon started to say, slipping into english for the statement without seeming to notice, a tick he had developed and did whenever he was nervous.

I glanced behind me at one of the producers, who approached me and pulled me to my feet, ushering me hurriedly in front of her and out onto the stage where the crowd was waiting

She pushed me out into the line of the cameras and the crowd, and I felt the panic in my throat and thought I would throw up as the bright lights blinded me momentarily and I stumbled over my own feet.

I steadied myself and after my eyes had adjusted to the lighting, I saw the hostess stand and walk over to me, taking my arm in a tight grip, probably so I wouldn't run away, and her lips pull back in a fake looking smile as she said, "Come on, dear. Don't be shy! Come and talk to us for a bit! We're all dying to hear about you!"

She pulled me over to where the boys sat, their eyes wide and looks of worry flashing between the seven of them. Joon stood up as we reached them and offered me his chair, taking my arm from the hostess in a much more comforting grip as I plopped down onto the stool behind the couch. He moved to stand behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders, the weight meant to reassure me. Kook, who was sitting beside me, reached up discreetly and twined my fingers between his own, our hands hidden out of sight where our legs brushed.

I took in a deep gulp of air and swallowed hard as the hostess retook her seat after handing me another microphone, turning to the crowd as she said in an overly bright voice, "Here she is, ladies and gentlemen! Let's give a warm welcome to our very special guest!"

The audience cheered, and I was relieved that no one was booing me...yet. The crowd didn't seem to hold any of the hostile fans that hated my guts and wanted me dead, so that was a plus.

After the crowd died back down into a similitude of silence, the hostess turned back to us, and said to me, her perfectly penciled eyebrows raised in curiosity, "So, tell us, (F/N), the answer to a question that we all want to know." She reached up a delicate, perfectly manicured hand to brush back her hair, and I was suddenly very aware of my jacket and beanie. "How is it living with one of the biggest boy groups on the planet?"

I felt Joon squeeze my shoulder in encouragement and lifted the microphone up to my mouth as I tried to force a smile to move my lips upward, even just a little. Just breathe. "It's pretty much what you would expect." I tightened my unseen grip on Kook's hand. I could do this. Just keep it light and short. "Lots of dirty socks, video games, and pizza."

The audience laughed appreciatively at my answer and the hostess managed a polite laugh as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and then said, "And this is your first granted television interview, is that correct?"

I swallowed hard at her question, and I could feel the sweat starting to gather on my brow underneath the brim of my hat. "Yes." I glanced out at the crowd, but couldn't see faces because of the bright lighting. "I try not to be in the spotlight too much. I find it makes things easier."

The hostess seemed to be barely listening to my answers as she looked down at her notes, nodding her head and talking again just as I had barely finished my answer to the last question. "You said it makes things easier. Why is that?" She looked up at me, and there was a glint in her eye that I didn't like. As if she was hungry for me to be her next drama piece. "Have you had bad reactions from the fans?"

My mouth was dry, I swallowed again, trying to rewet it, as Jimin glanced up at me from the couch, mouthing to me silently, You're okay, as he flashed me the ok symbol with his fingers.

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