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When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in the bed, Joon's blanket thrown over the top of me.

I stretched my arms over my head and reached for my phone, which had buzzed beside me on the bedside table, lighting up the still darkened room.

I glanced at the notifications and saw a bunch of messages in the group chat. Everyone must already be out for the day. Flipping open to my messages, I pulled up the group message and scrolled through the boys' various texts, a small smile coming across my face as I read through the conversation that must have happened while I was still asleep.

Chim: We love you, (F/N)! <3

Hobi: Leave it to us, noona. <3

Tae: Hope you're feeling better this morning! :*

Chim: Take it easy, and we'll bring dinner home with us tonight!

Yoongs: And tell Namjoon not to bother you too much.

Joonie: I'm literally right here. -_-

Jinnie: (F/N). Wanna hear a joke? I bet it makes you feel better!


Baby Boy: Please no jokes, hyung.

Jinnie: :'(

I reread the conversation again now that my eyes had focused more and I was a little bit more awake. What were they talking about? Why would Joon bother me? Wasn't he with them at the studio?

I sent a short response, but I meant it with every fiber of my being.

I love you guys. <3 <3 <3

I clicked my phone off and shoved it into the pocket of my hoodie, before I dragged myself from the warmth of the bed, my grumbling stomach finally driving me to action.

I walked down the hallway, running a hand through my hair, tousled and tangled from sleep, and entered the living area, but stopped in surprise when I saw Joon sitting at the kitchen bar, typing on his laptop.

He must have heard me enter the room because he shut the computer and looked up at me, offering me a slight smile as he said softly, "Hey. Good morning."

I walked over to him and sat beside him on one of the stools, reaching over to take a drink from his coffee mug as I asked, "What are you doing here? Isn't everyone at the studio?"

I grimaced at the cold coffee and set the mug back down on the counter, as he watched me and then said apologetically, "Yeah. I should have warned you. It's almost noon. That coffee was cold hours ago." He stood up, taking the discarded coffee to the sink as he said over his shoulder, returning to my original questions, "And yes, the rest of the guys are at the studio. PD Bang called a damage control meeting." He returned to the bar, standing across from me, his large hands splayed out against the countertop.

I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry, remembering all of the horrible things that had occurred yesterday. "Is it that bad?"

Joon lifted one shoulder in a partial shrug. "Nah. It's fine, (F/N). The boys are gonna give an interview this afternoon to the news networks. Just along the lines of "we support her" and "that interview was all bullshit." You know. That type of thing." He came around the bar and rested his hands on my shoulders, massaging my tightened muscles as he said comfortingly, "It's always the same with this sort of drama, jagi. You know how it works. It'll all die down in a couple of days."

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