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 When we reached the beach, it was just as I had expected.

Closed, dark, and completely empty.

No cameras. No fans. No ocean goers.

Just the eight of us, the stars, and the full moon glimmering off of the ocean.

I approached the fence at the edge of the beach that kept people away at night, and locking my fingers through the chain link, glanced down the beach on the other side. No one was in sight. We were good. I motioned to the boys, who had been following silently behind me, and called quietly over my shoulder, "Okay. Come on. Let's do it."

Hobi practically darted past me and onto the fence, saying in an overly excited and loud voice as he passed me, "I can't believe we're doing this. This is so exhilarating!"

Yoongi came up to stand beside me, muttering under his breath at Hobi, "I can't believe this is the first illegal thing you've ever done."

We both watched as he clambered up and over the fence fairly easily, and dropped to the sand on the other side, giving us an enthusiastically directed wave as he yelled out, "Woo hoo! Come on!"

Yoongi sighed heavily beside me and then reached for the chainlink, pulling himself up the fence and over the top before dropping down beside Hoseok. He flashed me a thumbs up and I glanced over my shoulder at Tae. "Okay, Tae. You're up."

"Noona, do you think if I can do this easily and with style, they'll let me hop a fence in our next music video?" Tae stepped up to the fence and paused, his hands enmeshed in the wire as he looked back at me, waiting to hear the answer to his question.

I grinned at him through the darkness. "I'll vouch for you. They'll never know what hit them."

He flashed me his teeth as he smiled widely and then went up and over, landing on the beach beside the two previous boys.

Jimin was next, coming up to stand beside me hesitantly, glancing up at the tall fence before us before he said nervously to me, "I don't know if I can make that, noona."

I elbowed him playfully in the side. "Come on, Chim. If Hobi can do it, you can do it. You're much more coordinated than he is, you know?" I pointed to the top of the fence. "And hey, I'll even give you a boost, just because I love you."

He swallowed, still slightly tense, and then nodded reluctantly. "All right."

I knelt down on one knee and motioned for him to step up onto my thigh. He did so, his tennis shoes leaving dirty imprints on my pants as he used me as a stepping stone to start his climb of the fence. Once he had made it up and over, he glanced down at the ground on the other side, before finally dropping down beside the others. He rolled to his feet and raised a hand to me to let me know he was all good.

Kook stepped up beside me and grasped the fence, and before he started climbing, I said teasingly, "Your turn, baby boy. Let's see the golden maknae do his thing."

He grinned over his shoulder at me, his long dark hair sweeping into his eyes, and then he vaulted up the fence at twice the speed of the others, not even pausing when he hit the top before he fell onto his feet on the beach below.

I let out a low whistle and made a show of clapping my hands for him before Jin pushed up to the fence beside me and said, "All right. Now watch the eldest hyung show all you youngsters up."

He scaled the fence, only losing his footing once and then awkwardly dropped to the ground on the other side, stumbling a bit as his feet hit the ground, but keeping his footing. He held out his arms in triumphant and bowed deeply to me from the other side of the fence.

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