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The next several days flew by in a whir of color, filled with stolen kisses, private moments, shared looks, and quiet contentment.

Even with our crazy schedules, this was the happiest I had ever been.

One night, as we all sat in a circle on the living room floor of the apartment, intensely focused on a game of Uno that was laid out before us, the secret between Joon and myself was finally exposed.

"Ahhh! That's not fair!" I yelled out, shoving Kook over as he laughed at my outrage after laying down a draw four card on his turn. I grumpily drew my four cards, as the game turn moved onto Jin.

Casually reaching out to draw a card, Jin asked out of the blue, his tone conversational, as if he were just asking what's for dinner, "So. When were you two gonna tell us?"

I flicked a glance over at Joon out of the corner of my eye, and he shrugged slightly in response, trying to act casual as he took his turn, asking innocently, "What are you referring to, hyung?"

"The fact that you and (F/N) are finally boning." Yoongi interjected, his tone bored, as he leaned forward to play a card.

I gasped, shocked at his brazen statement, as I felt a flustered heat come over my cheeks, stuttering out, looking at no one in particular, "That's not true! We're not...."

I looked over to Joon for help, noting that a slight blush had washed over his face as well at Yoongi's words, his mouth dropping open before he saw my pointed glance and hurried to say, "She's right, hyung! We haven't done anything...."
"Aha!" Jin came up from his cross legged position on the floor and to his knees, his eyes bright and wild as he pointed an accusing finger across the circle at Joon. "But you do admit something's going on!"

I facepalmed at his statement, realizing we were caught. We had messed up.

"Obviously something's going on." Jimin interjected, as he flashed a knowing grin between Joon and I, both of us looking more than a little flustered, as he continued slyly, "You two looked pretty worked up when you came back to the VLive a few nights ago, after being gone for a very conspicuous amount of time."

I groaned, hiding my face behind my hands, the red on my cheeks deepening as the boys laughed at Jimin's statements, Kook fist bumping Tae as they giggled to themselves like little children.

"Ahh, come on, (F/N)! Namjoon-hyung!" I heard Hobi whine out from across the circle, his pitch and volume rising as he grew more excited. "We all know something's happened between you two. Give us the details!"

Lowering my hands from my face, I glanced around at the boys, all waiting for one of us to say something expectantly, before my eyes came to rest on Joon, separated from me by Yoongi, who was lying on his stomach between us, his chin propped in his hands as he regarded us lazily.

I saw Joon swallow, and then he shrugged again slightly, as if saying silently to me, We should just tell them.

Letting out a long suffering sigh, my cheeks finally cooling, I said, teasing annoyance at their persistence, "Okay. Fine. Yes." I flung my hands out, as if to tell them to take it away, we'd tell them everything.

They sat, staring at us, silently, and then all hell broke loose.

Hobi screamed, jumping up from the circle to do a small dance, almost hitting Jin with his flailing arms as the eldest leaned around him, giving us a pointed look as he once again shoved a finger toward us, saying in an annoyingly self-righteous tone, "I told you! I told you both!"

The maknae line, overcome with excitement at my admission, was busy giving each other high fives and fist bumps, shoving each other as they playfully goofed off beside me, their faces split with triumphant grins.

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