Safe: Part 2

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This time, it was Tae and Jin who walked into the room, although I couldn't actually see Jin's face, only his legs, because in his arms he carried the largest basket of flowers I had ever seen.

"Hey, noona!" Tae said in excitement upon seeing me, darting across the room and dropping himself onto the edge of the hospital bed next to me, his eyes sparkling as he exclaimed, "I really like what you've done with the place!" He grinned goofily at me.

I laughed at his joke, and then played along, motioning to the room and the monitors and the IV stand with my good hand as I said, my tone amused, "Thank you! I had an interior decorator handle it all. I thought the IV pole was definitely a nice touch."

Jin, who had set the large floral arrangement down on the table beside the window, approached us, his hands on his hips, as he said firmly, "How can you two joke at a time like this?"

I grinned at him, holding out my hand, and as he took it between his own, I said lightly, "Oh, come on, Jin. You love jokes." I raised an eyebrow at him expectantly, squeezing his fingers between mine. "Come on. I know you have one ready."
He rolled his eyes at me, but amusement was clearly written into his features as he sighed and then said, mockingly exasperated, "All right. Just one." Clearing his throat, he continued, "What do you call a singing cow?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joon roll his eyes now, already annoyed with the lame punch line that was coming. Ignoring him, I asked Jin eagerly, "What?"

"A lawsuit!" He laughed his iconic laugh, the sound filling the small room, and I couldn't help but laugh with him, Tae joining after a few seconds. Even Joon grinned just a bit behind his hand at the eldest's antics

It felt nice to laugh again.

When the laughter had died down, I glanced back over to the flowers that Jin had placed beside the window, and then said, still startled by the sheer size and beauty of the arrangement, "Jin, did you pick those out yourself? They're beautiful!"

Pride flickered across his face as he said confidently, "But of course. I have an eye for all things beautiful, you know." He winked at me before saying, "I am worldwide handsome, after all."
"When can you come home?"

I glanced over at Tae as he posed the question, his deep timbre voice quiet and low, his dark eyes serious as he regarded me, his glance going from my face and down to my arm, snugly held within the purple cast. I sighed heavily, suddenly feeling tired, and reached over to squeeze the boy's hand as I said, "Tomorrow, I think. The doctor said that as long as I'm no longer dehydrated and that my cheek looks like it's healing well, then I can go."

"That's good. It doesn't feel right without you or Namjoon-hyung around." Tae confessed, offering me a small smile as he stood from the bed and moved to stand beside Jin.

The oldest watched me intently for several seconds, and then he turned to Joon, pointing a stern finger at him as he ordered, "Make sure she's resting. And when you bring her home tomorrow, don't make her walk. Push her in a wheelchair. And make sure you give her the comfortable seat in the company van."
Joon nodded, exasperation clear on his features, as he responded, "Yes, hyung."
Nodding, satisfied, his job done, Jin came over to the bed and kissed my cheek, followed by Tae, who copied his older brother's goodbye gesture. "See you tomorrow, noona."

And with another quick smile and another quiet wave, they were gone, the door shutting once again behind them.

Sighing, I leaned back against the pillows and closed my eyes briefly, weariness suddenly heavy in my bones. I could feel Joon's intense and worried gaze resting on my face, so I didn't rest for long, before I opened my eyes and offered him a convincing smile, hoping he would let me see the last two boys in my family before we called it a night.

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