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The next morning, when I woke up, I could instantly feel how sticky my body was, the smell of stale sweat clinging to my skin, from being pressed against Joon's hot presence all night long.

I squirmed in his tight grasp, his long arms wrapped around me, his body curled against my back, his face buried in my neck. His exhalations, deep and steady, were only adding to the suffocating heat, as they tickled my hairline and brushed across my skin.

"Joonie." I groaned out, quietly, not wanting to wake him, but knowing that I needed to be released from his hold, just so that I could breathe properly and get away from the heat that was washing out from his body and over me in stifling waves.

I wriggled in his arms again, trying to extract myself from his grasp, but I felt him tighten his arms around me in response and pull me back against him again, so that my body was snugly fit with his once more. Letting out another groan, I whined out, slightly louder this time, "Joonie, please?"

I felt him stir slightly behind me, and then he hummed softly against the back of my neck, letting me know that he had heard my pleading, and I felt his arms loosen, albeit reluctantly, letting me go.

Free at last, I rolled away from him and kicked off the layers of blankets, sitting up to pull my hoodie over my head frantically, revealing the t-shirt underneath, the cool air of the bedroom an instant relief as it washed over my flushed skin. I could feel tendrils of my hair sticking, limply, to my damp forehead, and I pushed them up and off of my skin, desperate to expose as much of my body to the cooler air as possible. I just needed to cool down. Reaching down to roll up my sweats to my knees, I glanced behind me at Joon, who had flopped onto his back after I moved, and had one arm slung over his eyes in a tired sort of way.

He looked miserable still.

Once I had succeeded in catching my breath, getting rid of most of the heat that had lingered, I crawled quietly back across the bed to where Joon laid, still unmoving, and reached out a hand, pulling his arm down from his eyes and causing him to squint at me, his vision still slightly clouded from sleep and illness. I offered him a slight smile as I asked softly, "How are you feeling?"

Groaning slightly, he screwed his eyes shut again and reached up a hand to rub his temple, saying in a hoarse voice, his tongue thick, "Ugh. Everything hurts."

Propped up on my elbow, watching him, I leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, resting my cheek against his skin briefly, trying to gauge how high his fever still was. It seemed to have broken in the night, explaining the sweat and how sticky I felt from being next to him, but he was still slightly warmer than normal, and I knew he'd continue to feel like shit for the rest of the day.

"I'm sorry." I murmured, my lips brushing his forehead again as I pulled back to look at him once more. He met my gaze, his brow furrowed slightly, and I raised an eyebrow at him as I asked, "What?"

"How did I get home last night?" He asked in response to my question, confusion flitting across his face.

"You don't remember anything?" I asked back gently, relief and slight disappointment coursing through me as I realized I had been right. He wouldn't remember what he had said to me last night.

He shook his head slightly, and then stopped, wincing at the motion, before he said, "I remember being at the studio....and then, nothing."

I reached up to brush some sweaty hair back off his forehead, fingering the purple locks for several seconds, before I said, "Yeah, you were pretty out of it. Hobi and Kook helped me get you back here."

Speaking of which, I could hear the other boys faintly from the living room and kitchen, causing a commotion as they readied themselves for the day.

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