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When I woke up the next morning, Joon's bed was empty and he had already left for the day.

I was slightly relieved.

Walking down the hallway to the kitchen, I stretched and yawned as I came into the common area, where the rest of the boys were gathered around the kitchen bar, eating breakfast.

"Morning, boys." I stifled another yawn and walked over to the cupboard, pulling down a mug and filling it with hot coffee from the coffee maker as I glanced around.

Kook and Jimin were sitting beside each other on barstools, eating poptarts and toast, and Jin was at the stove, cooking what appeared to be an omelet. Tae was on the end of the bar, eating a bowl of cereal rather glumly, and it was then that I noticed that not just Joon, but Yoongi and Hobi were both conspicuously missing from the breakfast table as well.

"Where's the rapper line?" I asked the room in general, grabbing a bagel from the fridge and sitting down at the bar next to Tae, who glanced up from his cereal at me, a disappointed expression darting across his eyes.

"They're at the studio, recording for Cypher Five." Jimin spoke up from my other side, shooting Tae a sympathetic glance as he did so.

"Ah." It all made sense now. The rapper line absence, Tae's sad disposition. I reached out a hand and put it on Tae's shoulder, squeezing gently as I said, "They're stupid, TaeTae. Don't let them get to you. They don't know what they're missing."

"Thanks, noona." He offered me a smile, but it wasn't his usual bright grin, as he dug back into his cereal, the spoon clinking against his bowl.

"You know." Jin spoke up from beside the stove, waving his spatula around for emphasis as he talked. "The vocalists should make their own awesome track together. No rappers allowed."

As he was talking, I pulled out my phone and pulled up a new message to Joon.


I waited several seconds, and a response appeared.


I rolled my eyes, typing faster and harder as my frustration mounted.

How many times am I going to have to say it? LET TAE BE IN CYPHER 5!

I took a bite out of bagel and chewed furiously as the three little dots popped up on my phone, signalling that Joon was replying.

(F/N). Taehyung is a vocalist. Not a rapper.

I gritted my teeth and started to type back. He was lucky he wasn't here, or I'd be giving him a little more than just a piece of my mind.

So? You're not a dancer (I mean, you're super terrible at it), but I still put up with YOU in the studio. :P

I grinned to myself. Nice burn. Go me.


My grin grew when I saw his response and I typed back a quick retort.

#harshtruth #letTaebeinCypher

Satisfied that I had gotten my point across, I clicked my phone off and returned it to my pocket. I took a sip of my coffee and then rejoined the conversation. "So. What's on the schedule for today?"

Kook leaned his cheek on his hand and sighed as he swirled a spoon around in his mug. "Cypher 5, then when the other hyungs get back, we have to go and do a music video shoot. And then we have an interview tonight with a Korean Entertainment Company."

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