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I went home, slipped out of my dress, and immediately went to bed.

But I didn't sleep.

I cried until I had no more tears left, and when my hoodie sleeves and my pillow were soaked from the salt water, I snuggled down underneath the blankets, and laid there, wide awake, for hours, as my thoughts raced through my head, jumbled and sick with grief.

I was still awake, staring into the darkness, when I heard the boys come home from the show, well after midnight, talking and laughing as they entered the apartment, the front door slamming open to announce their presence.

I didn't move, as the sounds of them all bidding each other good night echoed in the hallway, and then one by one, their voices died off, and doors were closed, as they entered their rooms for the night.

Soon there was only silence, just like before.

I heard the door to the room creak open, and then Joon's familiar heavy footsteps, padded slightly, like he was trying to be quiet, entered the room. I heard him stop for a brief moment beside my bed, as if hesitating, but when he saw my still form, buried beneath the blankets, he moved onward.

I tried to quiet my breathing, slowing it down so he'd think I was asleep, and listened as he quietly opened the closet, presumably pulling out some clothes, before he crossed back over the room and entered the bathroom. The door clicked shut quietly, then a crack of light appeared under the door, as I heard the fan start behind the closed door and then the shower started running.

I let out my breath, which I had been holding, and wiped at another tear that had dripped from the corner of my eye. I didn't think I'd had anything left, but I guess I had been wrong.

Just like I'd been wrong about a lot of things the last couple of days.

I flopped over onto my back and stared at the darkened ceiling above my bed, biting my lip as I tried to control the nausea that had settled in my stomach, ever since I had seen Joon at the concert earlier.

With Lee Mae.

I shook my head hard, trying to rid myself of the unwanted image of Joon and Lee Mae, standing close together, laughing over an unheard conversation.

I heard the shower shut off, and then Joon rustling around in the bathroom, and I turned back onto my side, hiding my face from his view again as I pulled my knees to my chest and curled into the fetal position underneath the blankets.

I should be happy he was back, that he was here, in the apartment, sleeping in our room again.

But instead, I felt sick.

Because even though he was back, physically, in our room that we shared, and things were supposedly "back to normal," that couldn't be farther from the actual truth.

Things would never be the same between us again.

And mentally, we had never been farther apart.


I spent the next day in bed.

I didn't get up to shower, eat, or do anything with the boys.

I couldn't. I was exhausted. And I didn't want to have to face Joon.

He had gotten up before I was awake, and left the apartment with Yoongi and Jin to go shopping at the nearby mall. They wanted to get some warmer clothes before winter hit full on in Seoul.

I was thankful that he wasn't around to try to check on me.

Not that he would. We still hadn't really talked since we got back from vacation.

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