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I hadn't ever thought there would be a time when I would regret kissing Kim Namjoon, but when I woke up that morning, a headache pounding at the base of my skull, my body flush and aching, I instantly regretted the makeout session on the couch from several nights earlier.

"No, no, no." I muttered out, my voice raspy from sleep and the dryness of my throat. I couldn't be sick, not today. There was too much to do. I had so much choreography to teach the boys, so many steps to block out still, not to mention, the group had a huge awards show to attend later tonight.

The mounting of the headache behind my eyes pulled me back to reality and I let out a long groan, pressing a palm to my pounding head, trying to ease the intense aching.

Damn it. I was sick.

Fumbling out of bed, I didn't even bother to change out of my pajamas before I gingerly made my way down the hallway, trying not to jostle my already aching head and neck. Entering the living room, I threw myself down on the couch and covered my head with a pillow, letting out another low groan as the movement made my painful and tense muscles scream out in protest.

"Noona, are you okay?" I heard Kook's voice come from above me, and I squinted out from underneath the darkness of the pillow to see his legs standing beside the couch.

"Jagi." Then it was Joon's voice, full of concern, right beside me, and I met his worried gaze from underneath my hideout, as he crouched his tall frame down beside the couch to look at me. "What's wrong?" He reached out a hand and pulled the pillow from my face, pushing my hair back off my forehead with his long fingers, his skin relievingly cool against my own fevered flesh.

"You got me sick." I whined out, knowing that it wasn't his fault, but still wanting someone or something to blame for the hell that I was experiencing. Everything hurt and I'm pretty sure I was dying.

"You got her sick, Namjoon?" I heard Jin's disapproving voice call out from the kitchen, his tone rising slightly as he berated his brother, "You should have been more careful! I can't take care of you all if you can't even take care of yourselves, you know!"

Joon ignored is older brother's chastisement, as he placed a palm against my forehead, gauging my temperature, regret crossing his face as he softly said, "Sorry, jagi. I'll grab you some pain killers."

Standing up and leaving my side, he disappeared into the kitchen, as Hobi and Chim appeared to take his place, both of them hovering worriedly above me, their hands flapping uselessly, as if they didn't know how to help.

"Ah, noona! This is the worst! I'm so sorry hyung got you sick!" Jimin cried out, sitting beside me on the couch as he rubbed a hand up and down my back in a comforting manner.

"Aiiii, now I have to teach these six fools the new choreo all by myself!" Hobi ran his hands through his hair in an overly agitated manner as he bemoaned his fate, his normally cheerful face gloomy and his mouth pulled down in a triangular frown.

Joon reappeared, a glass of water and some pills held in his hands, and pushed through the crowd of his brothers to offer them to me. I gratefully took the pain pills and then gulped down the water, handing the empty glass back to Joon as I offered him a small grateful smile. "Thanks, Joon."

"How'd you get sick anyway?" I heard Yoongi ask in a slightly bored tone from beside the door, as he sat down to slip into his shoes. I glanced over at him, but he didn't look up, concentrating on the task at hand as he continued flatly. "I bet you two made out while Namjoon was sick, like two love struck idiots." He looked up then, his gaze boring into me, his eyes narrowing into two discerning slits, and he must have noticed the blush blooming across my cheeks, because he scoffed to himself and then turned back to pulling on his shoes, muttering, "Idiots."

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