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"Noona, Noona!"

I glanced up from sketching out some choregraphy, my legs spread wide on the wooden practice room floor, a sketchpad laid out in between them, as I leaned over to work, propping myself up on my elbows, the stretching in my thighs and calves a nice background sensation to my whirring thoughts.

Jimin stopped breathlessly in front of me, his hair tousled, his eyes wide, as an excited Jungkook and Tae came barreling into the room behind him, sliding to a sloppy stop behind their older brother, barely missing mowing him down with their energetic movements.

He glared back at them quickly, his phone clenched tightly in his hand, and rolled his eyes as the younger brothers shot him grins, before he turned back to me, refocused, and said in excitement, "You have to look at this."

I caught sight of the Twitter homepage open on his screen as he held his phone out to me, and with a long sigh, I turned my attention back to my sketching, ignoring his outstretched hand as I said, "Look, Chim, if this is about the interview last night, I really would just rather ignore the comments like last time. It's better for my sanity."

"No, you don't understand!" He crouched down by me, his hair falling messily over his forehead, as he shoved the phone underneath my nose. "It's nothing like that. Just look, Please!"

Blowing some hair out of my eyes, I looked up at him, slightly annoyed as I tried to dodge his phone, my tone irritated as I said, "Jimin."

"Just look, noona." Kook sat down beside me, taking out his phone as well, and pulling up the same page Jimin had open, he pressed his phone into my hand as he said, his eyes pleading, looking slightly like a puppy dog I had just kicked, "We wouldn't show you if it wasn't important."

Letting out another exasperated sigh between slightly clenched teeth, I finally uncurled my fingers and glanced down at the phone screen in my gasp.

Reading over the first several comments and posts, I felt my breath leave my lungs in one fell swoop.

I hadn't expected this. Not in a million years.

"They're.....positive?" I choked out, scrolling down through the hundreds of posts, many of them accompanied by screenshots of my face from the interview, and quotes of what I had said the night before on national television.

"That's what we were trying to tell you." Tae finally spoke up, sitting down beside us, their attention all on me as I scrolled through Kook's twitter, my eyes scanning the page in disbelief.

KookieandMilk: @BTS_TWT you guys should be so proud of (F/N). She's out here pushing the mental health agenda on national television. We stan a queen. #notanabnormality

BTSsweetie: @BTS_TWT "Struggling is normal. You are not an abnormality." Tears. I have real tears right now. Thank you for this. #notanabnormality

QueenBeeTS: @BTS_TWT Find yourself a girl like (F/N). Supposed to give an interview about how she's doing, but instead, worries about us and manages to promote mental wellbeing for everyone on the national news. #notanabnormality

"Holy shit." I breathed out, the pages unending, the tweets constantly pouring in, even as I watched, wide eyed.

"That hashtag is the number one trending on Twitter, worldwide, right now." I felt Jimin place his hand on my shoulder, as he looked over what I was reading, his voice warm in my ear, proud even. "And that's all because of you."

"How...." I got out, finally handing Kook back his phone, as I glanced between them all with wide eyes. I tried again. "How did this happen?"

Tae shrugged next to me, his arm going around my shoulders as he said thoughtfully, "You opened yourself up. You took a negative thing and turned it into a positive thing. And we know, from experience, that people like that."

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