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A soft knock at the bathroom door interrupted my spiral of shame and self humiliation.

Pulling open the door, I was surprised to see Jimin standing there, a look of slight worry on his face as he asked me quietly, "Noona, are you okay?" He stepped toward me and grabbed one of my hands, his eyes scanning over me as he said softly, hesitantly, "We heard you and Namjoon-hyung fighting. And then he came out without you and was acting weird....."

I laughed slightly, embarrassment coloring the sound and a slight blush heating up my cheeks as I squeezed his hand affectionately, not meeting his gaze as I hemmed out, "Yeah, actually....."

My halting explanation was interrupted by none other than Joon himself barreling back into the room, the door banging open against the wall as he tripped slightly over his own feet in his rush to get inside, calling out loudly, "(F/N)...."

He stopped dead in his tracks beside Jimin as he caught sight of us, both of us regarding him with expressions of curiosity on our faces, a slight smirk coming across Jimin's lips as he looked between the two of us, our gazes locked, Joon's mouth slightly open as he said awkwardly, slightly breathless still,, "Oh. Hey, Jiminie."

Hiding his smile, Jimin released his hold on me and backed toward the door to the hallway, eyeing both of us knowingly as he said smoothly, "Sorry, hyung! I was just leaving."

And with that uttered statement, he was gone again, disappearing down the hallway as silently as he had appeared, leaving the two of us alone once again.

I tucked some of my hair behind my ear as I blushed again, my gaze directed at my feet as I asked quietly, "Joon? Everything okay?"

"Yes." He blurted out the answer instantly, his voice loud, and I looked up at him in surprise, caught off guard by his sudden burst of volume. He cringed slightly, his lips pulling back in a slight grimace, and then said again, his voice quieter this time, "I mean. No. Everything's not okay."

I felt my heart start to pound in my chest at his words. Maybe he had come back to tell me that he had changed his mind. That he had just said those things in the moment. That he really did want to be with Lee Mae and not me. That he had made a mistake.

"Namjoon..." I hedged out, gripping the fabric of my hoodie between my fists tightly, so that I wouldn't nervously wring my hands.

"No. Stop." His tone was commanding, as he locked his gaze with mine, his dark eyes filled with intensity. Instantly, he followed up with, "Sorry. I just..." He closed his eyes and let out a growl of frustration as he rubbed his temples roughly with his fingers for a moment. When he spoke again, his voice was low, but filled with conviction, as he opened his eyes and met mine again, the intensity in his gaze causing my stomach to do some uncomfortable flip flops. "I need to get through this. Okay? Can you just listen? Please?" Pleading bled through his tone, and he nervously stuffed his hands in his pockets before pulling them out again, as if he didn't know what to do with them.

My heart still pounding, waiting for his revelation, I nodded, silent, my eyes still holding his own, both of us locked in place.

I saw his adam's apple bob in his throat as he swallowed hard, preparing himself, and then he parted his lips slightly, letting a sigh escape as he stepped toward me, closing the distance between us slightly. His irises were dark with concentration, and maybe some emotion, as they held mine. I wanted to touch him, we were so close, our breath mixing in the space between us, our gazes locked, our hands yearning to find the others', but held, motionlessly, at our sides.

I swallowed, my mouth and throat suddenly dry in the silence, my lips parted slightly as I held my breath between them, anticipation making me quiver softly against the doorway of the bathroom, the hard unyielding surface gripped beneath my fingertips the only thing keeping me steady.

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