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Several days later, I was in the dance studio with Hobi, working out some footwork for one of their new numbers.

We were both incredibly focused as we ran through the dance once again, matching each other's movements perfectly, just like a mirror, as we spun and kicked and moved in front of the wall of mirrors that lined the studio, looking for any imperfection or wrong timing.

We reached the end of the chorus, and I dropped my arms to my sides, trying to relax the tired muscles, as Hobi picked up the remote for the sound system, turning off the loud music. He wiped an arm across his forehead, which was dripping with sweat after the hours we had spent working on choreography, and offered me a slightly tired, but no less bright smile, as he breathed out, "Okay. I think we're good. Thoughts?"

I leaned over, reaching down to touch my toes as I stretched out my aching muscles, letting out a long sigh between my teeth, before I straightened again and said, "I think it works. And it looked good in the mirror."

He nodded in response to my comments, a water bottle held to his lips, as he guzzled down some of the cool liquid quickly before handing it over to me. I licked my lips, salty from sweat, and took a swig of the water, taking a moment to swallow and catch my breath before I asked, "Do you think it will work on the stage space?"

His brow furrowed in thought, as I reached up to push some damp tendrils of hair back off of my forehead, as I waited for his reply. Finally, he said thoughtfully, "I think it'll be fine. We took that all into consideration when we blocked it out." He held out a hand, and I gave him back the water, as he took another deep drink, before he continued with his previous thought, running a hand unconsciously through his dark, sweaty locks as he spoke. "We can definitely take a trip to the venue before the show and just double check the spacing for everything though."

Taking another drink from the bottle in his hand, Hobi finished off the water and tossed the plastic bottle into the trash can at the side of the room before he sat down on the hard floor, glancing up at me as he leaned over to stretch out his leg muscles. "What did you think about my idea from earlier? About making that one set of movements in the chorus a solo for someone?"

Sitting down beside him, I bent myself in half, as I reached for my toes once again, before straightening up and swinging my arms from side to side to attempt to loosen them as I thought over his words. Tucking one of my legs underneath my body, I leaned forward again to stretch out my thigh, turning my head so I could see him as I said, "I think it's a great idea. It'll really pack some punch. But it's difficult moves. So it'll have to be someone confident."

Leaning down beside me to stretch out his legs, Hobi looked thoughtful as he suggested, "We could have the maknae line each try it, together, and whoever nails it can have the part?"

I sat up and stretched my arms behind my head, the smell of sweat strong in my nostrils, making me crinkle my nose slightly in response. I needed to shower. Pulling myself back to the matter at hand, I said offhandedly, "Yeah, that'll work. We can tell them when we start practice on the number tomorrow."

I stood up, my legs protesting slightly after all I had put them through that day, and as Hobi stood up beside me, he held out a hand to me for a high five. As our palms connected with a loud smack that sounded throughout the dance room, he grinned at me brightly, his normal vigor shining through the fatigue, and said, "Let's get it! Good work today."

I returned his smile and then headed over to the corner to grab my stuff from the floor, slipping my tank top off over my head as I did so, so I was only wearing my brightly colored sports bra, my skin underneath the tee still damp and shimmery with sweat. Slipping my hoodie over my head, I glanced toward the door as footsteps sounded on the hard floor and Kook appeared, a tray of coffees held in his hands.

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