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I managed to sleep after the comfort I had received from the boys, and the next morning, when I walked into BigHIt with five of them, ready for a day of practice for the music video later that week, I was tired, but mostly excited for what lay ahead.

One arm looped through Jungkook's, the other hand holding a warm coffee, I followed them all into the elevator, and as Jin hit the floor number for the practice room and studios, the boy piped up from beside me excitedly, his eyes sparkling as he said, "I'm excited to meet the dancer lady. I bet she's really pretty!"

"And talented." Jimin added helpfully, clearly excited himself, but for a different reason than his younger brother.

I grinned at the two of them, taking a sip of my coffee, as the elevator dinged and the doors opened, allowing all of us to pour out into the hallway that led to the dance studio. "Guess we'll see, huh, baby boy?" I nudged him with my elbow playfully, as he shot me his customary bunny grin, pulling me down the hallway with him.

"I just want to get the dancing over with so I can sleep." Yoongi grumbled out from the back of the group, clearly not happy with the early morning we had had.

I threw him an amused look over my shoulder, winking at him, and he scowled back at me playfully, as we reached the door to the practice room.

Reaching to push open the door, I heard someone calling my name down the long hallway, and I paused, glancing up to see Joon and Hobi, who had gotten to the studio before us to talk to Bang PD, hurrying toward our group.

"Jagi. I'm glad we caught you." Joon got out, slightly breathless as he and Hobi joined our waiting group beside the door. "There's something you should know."

He shot a worried look over at Hobi, who bit his lip and turned to me, saying hesitantly, "(F/N), we need to talk to you...."

Kook, growing tired of his older brothers holding us back, said impatiently, "Come on, guys! Let's get going already!"

He pushed through the door, pulling me into the room a few steps with him, his eager gait longer than mine, as I heard Joon say warningly, "Jungkook...."

Laughing at the youngest's enthusiasm, I looked up from making sure I wouldn't trip over my own feet from his tugging, and instantly felt the smile drop off of my face.

At our entrance, the dancer, who had been practicing some footwork in the center of the room, turned to face us, an overly cheerful smile on her flawless face, as she called out in a saccharine voice, "Oh, hello boys! I've been waiting for you!"

Stopping in my tracks at the sight of her, Kook glanced back at me briefly, a suddenly worried look replacing the previous excitement on his features, as he saw me start to back from the room, my eyes still on the woman, threading my way through the now stopped group, who recognized her as well by this point.

Going back out the door, Joon and Hobi met me in the hall, their eyes hooded with careful concern, as I pulled them away from the door and whispered angrily, so I wouldn't be heard, "Are you kidding me, Joon?! Lee Mae?! That's who the company picked?!"

"I know. I'm sorry. We were trying to warn you." Joon said apologetically, reaching out to lay a warm palm on my arm almost nervously, as if he wasn't sure if I would pull away from him angrily at the touch.

"Really? Lee freaking Mae? Out of all the dancers in this country?!" I hissed out between my teeth, still not really believing that the girl who had made my life a living hell was standing just on the other side of the wall.

"I know this sucks." Hobi said, putting his hands on my shoulders and looking at me seriously. "But, I've already told Joon that I'll take over all the individual practices with her and the boys. That way you can avoid her as much as possible. You'll only have to be there for the shoot."
I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking in a couple of deep breaths, trying to control the anger that was making my heart pound loudly in my ears. Finally, I opened my eyes, and managed to say in a somewhat calmer manner, "No, Hobi. Thank you. But I'm not going to let her ruin this for me." I took in another breath through my nose, releasing it slowly through my mouth, as I crossed my arms over my chest and said in determination, "We're professionals. I can be civil if she can."

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