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Two days before the big anniversary concert, I sat on the couch at the dorm, lazily scrolling through my phone, my hair still slightly damp from a morning shower, silently thanking all the gods above that I didn't have to go into the studio this morning.

Most of the boys were out and about, busy with this or that as they all finished up last minute touches to outfits or routines or songs. Joon himself had left for Mon Studio early this morning, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he left, whispering promises that he would be back in time for dinner.

My mindless scrolling against the backdrop of the quiet of the morning was interrupted by Jin, entering the living room with a determined step, a jacket slung over one arm and his shoes already on his feet. As he passed me, headed for the kitchen, he threw my own lightweight jacket at me, ignoring my protests as it hit me in the head, and commanded over his shoulder, "Get up, loser. We're going shopping."

Rolling my eyes, I stuffed my phone into the pocket of my jeans, standing up, and beginning to pull my jacket on, glanced over at the eldest, who was pulling a cold can of Coke from the fridge before he turned to watch me. "Okay, first off, that's not even the quote." I complained, shoving my other arm into my jacket, slightly miffed that my lazy morning, the first one in a long time, had been ruined by the appearance of the determined man standing in front of me. "Second, do you even know what movie that's from?"

Jin let out an offended sigh, downing the rest of his Coke and throwing it into the trash before he came around the counter, picking up my sneakers from beside the door and tossing them at me, not waiting for me to catch them as one after the other hit various parts of my body. "'Mean Girls.' 2004. Lindsay Lohan."

"Bitch." I muttered under my breath, rubbing my bruised calf which had taken one of the blows from the flying sneakers, before sitting down on the carpet to pull on my worn footwear.

"What was that, (F/N)?" Jin glanced over at me pointedly, his eyebrow raised, giving me a chance to change my answer, as he waited beside the door, keys to one of the company's vans already in his hand.

"Nothing." I mumbled, finished with my Converse and standing up, my hands going to my hips as I stared down the tall, handsome man in front of me, now holding open the door in anticipation. "What exactly are we doing?"

"Shopping." Jin ushered me out the door in front of him, stopping to lock it behind us, before following me down the long flight of stairs, our feet echoing off the hollow, concrete walls. "Didn't I make that obvious with my perfectly timed quote, courtesy of Queen of all Mean Girls, Regina George?"

"Yeah, yeah." I grumbled out, still bitter that my morning had been interrupted, pulling my coat tighter around me against the chilly Seoul air as we hurried to the parking garage. "Your quote didn't exactly tell my why we're going shopping though."

"(F/N)." I glanced over from the passenger seat at his slightly exasperated tone, as Jin slid into the driver's seat, starting the car, the engine rumbling to life. He shot me a knowing look as we pulled away from the apartment. "How many dresses do you own?"

Bristling at his superior tone, knowing where this was going, although he was probably right, I stuck my tongue out at him, a childish but satisfying act, as I snapped back, "At least three."

"And how many times have you worn those same dresses to award shows and concerts and public events?" Jin asked patiently, not looking over at me as he pulled into the parking lot of the shopping center.

Sliding down in my seat, I glanced out the window at the passing cars and pedestrians around the bustling mall, and finally said begrudgingly, "More than I can count."

Stolen (Kim Namjoon/RM X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now