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The morning of the long awaited shoot, we all rode together to the set, piling into one of the company's black SUVs.

Sitting in the back seat, wedged between Joon and Jungkook, I nervously bounced my knee, watching as Seoul flashed past outside the darkly tinted windows, anxiety starting to throb in the pit of my stomach once again.

"Hey." Joon's soft voice pulled me from my frantic thoughts, and I glanced over at him, as he offered me a gentle smile, reaching out to place his hand on my knee, stopping the frenzied movements, as he murmured, "Everything is going to be fine. We'll finish the shoot, and then it's smooth sailing from here until the Anniversary Concert next week. Okay?"

I nodded, swallowing hard, still too nervous to reply to him.

Kook's arm fell around my shoulders, a heavy, comforting weight, and when I turned to look at him, he offered me a grin, saying confidently, "Today's gonna go great, noona. We've all worked super hard. The fans will love it."

"I know, Kook." I managed to say, offering him a half smile in return, his enthusiasm not quite completely banishing the anxiety still swirling in my core.

The shooting or our readiness wasn't the problem. I just simply didn't want to spend an entire day watching Lee Mae cuddle up to and flirt with the seven boys in my life who meant everything to me.

It was painful. Though I'd never admit it out loud.

Getting out of the SUV at the shooting location, I filed into the large studio after the line of boys, and couldn't help but gasp slightly when I saw the interior of the giant building.

The staff had really outdone themselves this time.

One corner of the large room was dedicated to wardrobe and hair and makeup, another held the stage and main set for the scenes the boys would be shooting as a group, and the rest of the studio was filled with mini sets, an array of rooms, set up to look exactly like the boys had described for their time spent with the girl of their dreams.

I wandered around while the boys reported to the stylists, taking everything in. I had been on music video sets before, but never like this. This was incredible. The attention to detail made it all seem real, maybe a little too much so.

Yoongi's studio was set up exactly as it was in real life-slightly dark, slightly somber, replicas of his producing equipment in the corner, the worn futon exactly in place. I felt as if I were actually looking into the Genius Lab. And the coffee shop that Joon had described in his presentation, was exactly how I remembered it from all those years ago. The scuffed tables, the counter, the handwritten drinks on a chalkboard in the corner.

After fulfilling my curiosity, I returned to the front of the studio, noting that most of the boys were still being put into outfits or having finishing touches put on their hair. Settling down into a chair behind the cameras and prescreens, I decided to wait, out of the way, until they were ready.


I glanced up from my phone at Hobi's excited voice, and saw him motioning to me, standing in the middle of the main stage.

"Can you come over here and help me block something real quick? I wanna see if it fits in the space!"

Tucking my phone into my pocket, suddenly feeling better than I had earlier, I grinned at him and called out, moving to stand from my seat, "Sure, Hobi! Let me just...."

My statement was interrupted by Lee Mae's voice, smooth, sultry, feminine, drifting across the set, and I froze in my movements, watching as she appeared as if from nowhere, coming across the set to lay a familiar hand on Hobi's arm. "Oh, Hobi! I'm here! And I'm done, so I can help you." She shot a glance my way, her lips twisting upward in a slight smirk, as she said, fakely sweet, "Let's not bother (F/N) if we don't have to. You don't really need her help. You've got me!"

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