CHAPTER I: Accident

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Andy pov

We finally go home after the tour and im so exhausted. I don't know why but I just feel in a clingy mood and something weird would come.

I just shrugged that off and go to our room(Rye with Andy,Jack with Brooklyn,Sonny with Mikey) after say good night. I stripped my clothes and change into pajama.

I hear someone enter the room so i turn around and find rye enter the room, i smile and he smile back. I lay on my bed and snuggle into the soft material

i say goodnight and go to sleep. maybe i too exhausted until i don't realise i bring my thumb to my mouth and sucked it. It feel so comforting and i drifted into nice dream until the bad dreams come

Rye pov

I saw and frowned when i see Andy suck his thumb while sleep, i shrugged it off and go to sleep. 

I wake up with the sound of someone whimper and whine.  I groan and look at the clock, its 3 a.m,i look at Andy in annoyance and than gasp when i hear he is whimper.

His forehead drowning in sweats,his body shake so bad, and i smeel something.  I approached him and gasp even more when i look that he is wet himself. I shocked but quickly try to wake him up.

"Andy...  Andy wake up baby"i said,i see he open his eyes and tears flow into his cheeks. He looked around still catching breath and relax when he saw me.

He immediately hug me so tight like his life depended on me and continue sobbing. I hug him back and comforting him,and his word next make me freeze

"daddy... " he whimpers,i gasp and frown.  "what? " i ask.  He pulled away and look at me with those big blue innocent eyes,he tilt his head and its so adorable.

He look down and blush when he notice he wet himself. He is start crying and say "m' sowwy daddy"over and over again. He said crying and hug me im getting more confused and i didn't know what happened or what i will do.

"It's okay baby, its not your fault ok. Now let's clean you and go back to sleep okay? " i said, wow i even didn't know i will said that. He just nod tiredly. 

So when i stand up he make grabby hand and i just standing there and do nothing.  He whined and make grabby hand more,oh i get it he ask to be pick up.  So pick him up and bring him to bathroom. I put him down, "so take a shower i will change the sheets" i said.

"hewp?" he ask innocently.  "huh?  Help with what Andy? And why you lisp so much?  And what is wrong with you!? " i said a little harsly and it was a big mistake. His eyes start tearing and i feel he is shaking and then the tears finnaly stream dowm. Shit. 

"oh my God, im sorry Andy. Baby please don't cry im sorry" i said hug him and he calm down a bit. So i help stripped his pajama while fill the tub, and blush when i help to take off his boxer, he just standing there innocently like nothing happened.

When the bath is full,i place him in the warm bath and he is sat there half asleep. Its so adorable . While he plays with the water a bit i go back to our room and change the sheets and clean the bed.

I go back to bathroom and see Andy jolted and try to wake up, im trying not to coos out loud.  I pick him up and wrapped him with big towel. And i don't know why but i didn't feel this weird again, i just want to give this baby attention and cuddles,and even want to protect him.

So i help Andy change into some pajama and when i want to put him in his bed, he whined and clung to me.

"sweep wif daddy, no no scawy  dweamss" he mumbled tiredly. I smiled and nod as respond,so i lay in bed with Andy snuggle into my chest more, i bring the blanket up to cover us and kiss his forehead"

"nite nite dada"

"night baby"

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