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So I wake up still feeling little. I smiled when I look at sleepingbdaddy. He is so cute when he is sleep,I giggled and start wake him up

"Daddy,wakeyy"I said poking his cheek. He groan and go back to sleep. I pout so I wiggle and carefully get up from the bed,since I'm just 4 years so it's not hard to walk.

I waddles to go downstairs. I carefully step one by one and grip the banister thightly not want to fall. When I reach the last stairs I let out relief sigh and giggle.

I waddles to the living room and see uncle Harvey there. So I run and jump on his lap,he seem shock but laugh. I giggled and hug him

"Monin uncy" I said smiling. "Morning Andy he said and kiss my nose" I let out a giggle. "So how you got in here" he ask. "Walking. M' a big boy" I said proudly. He laugh and nod "yes you are"

"Hungwy"I said pouting," well let's go eating then. Earlier Jack made waffles" uncle said and sat me on the big boy chair,he set the plate of waffles with chocolate syrup Infront me. I said thank you and start eat it messily with my hand.

Harvey pov

I look Andy in awe. He is so cute,with chocolate syrup all over his cheek and nose. And of course his hand. I chuckled when he said finish and show me the empty plate proudly.

"Good boy" I said ruffle his hair and he is clapping his hand. When I put the plate in the sink I hear someone run into the kitchen. And it's rye, he still catch his breath and worry look on his face

When he look at Andy he relief but he send a glare at Andy who look at him innocently. "Where have you been baby. Im so worry not see you when I woke up. Really and how you even can down here?" Rye said nonstop and little harsh

Andy is look with wide eyes and fear. He whimper and start sobbing "m sowwy da'y,im hungwy and woo nu wakey so m go wown (down) and eawt" Andy said sobbing rye face is guilty and when he want to pick Andy,Andy flinch. 

I sigh and pick up Andy gently,he clung to me and sobbing until my t-shirt soaked,I clean his hand, cheeks,nose, mouth and snot. He still sobbing and I rub his back

"Baby,daddy sorry. I'm not meant to yell at you,daddy just worry. How if you get hurt baby. Daddy really sorry okay" rye said sadly. I give him a smile and hand him sobbing Andy. Andy is clung to Rye and nod.

"Thanks Harv" Rye said rocking Andy slowly which make him calm down a bit. "No prob bro,because I tomorrow have to go home,how about tonight we all go to the cinema" I said and Rye nod "okay don't forget to tell the other" he said

Rye pov

After my baby calm down I make his formula. And when ready I go to the living room,I put Disney movie. I sat on the couch with Andy on my lap,I put the rubber at his mouth which he gladly accept.

We watch the movie until it's time to get ready. "Baby can you be a big boy"I ask,he pout and nod. "After bath"he ask give me puppy eyes,I chuckled and kiss his nose.

I filled the tub with water,bubbles,and Andy's rubber duck. I striped him and help him sit in the tub. I wash his hair carefully and body while he plays with the duck and make baby voice. I smiled

I pick him up and wrapped him in a big towel. I help him dressed and tell him to be a big boy. Andy is not in his littlespace anymore,I kiss his cheeks and he blush.

He played with his phone and I go to shower and dressed up. After we both ready,we go downstairs and call the others. When we all ready,we go to the cinema.

After we book our tickets and popcorns,we go inside and enjoy the movie. After the movies finish we go to the restaurant. While we eat we talk each other

"Guys thank you so much about today. I wanna say goodbye cause it's time to go home. Because I have to shoot my new music video" HRVY said

We all smile. "Good luck bro"I say, "well done Harv"Mikey said. "Goodluck" Jacklyn said. "I can't wait it"sonny said. "Thankyou Harvey" Andy said. We all hug,and go outside. HRVY go to the train station. And we go home

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