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Narrator pov

Andy woke up with his body sweating. His throat hurt so much and his head pounding so bad.

He whimpers and snuggle to rye more looking for comfortable position.

"bubba stop moving"Rye said hug Andy so tight. And whines and sobbing,rye hear that and immediately wake up.

"what's wrong baby? "Rye ask worriedly. Andy point his throat,nose,and head

"Hwuts daddy, so Mwuch" Andy said sobbing. Rye pick up Andy and go downstairs,Rye pour some apple juice in Andy sippy cup and put some medicine on it.

He bring the sippy cup on Andy mouth,and Andy accept it.  He drink it slowly and when he finished he close his eyes  clutching to rye so tightly.

Rye pov

"it is hurt so bad baby? "I ask softly. And he nod weakly,i sigh and call all the boys. "Jack, Brook, Sonny, Mikey can all of you come here"i yell and Andy flinch.

"sshhh it's okay bubba"i say rocking him. When they all come I tell them about Andy situation. And I hear Andy whine and sobbed.

"okay uhmm, brook you prepare his needs like paci, bottle, and else then put it in the car. Mikey you will drive, Jack,Sonny,Brook you waiting in  house okay"i did rashly they all nod and I go in Andy's nursery.

I change his nappy and he has accidents. I lay him in his changing table and put the pacifier in his mouth.  So I clean his bum and private area,i powdered a little and tap a fresh nappy.

I put on his onesies,and lift him up again. So when we are ready, we go to the hospital. We go to our friends Alex who is a doctor and he know about Andy. Andy is sleeping in my arm and his body is sweating.

I ruffle his hair and hum and lullaby. When we arrived we make an appointment so while waiting Andy slowly woke up. "Daddy..."he whimpered

"yes baby"i ask,

"wher'we? "he ask quietly.  I sigh

"at doctor baby"i said and he is turn pale and fear in his eyes.  "wh... what"his voice crack. Yeah Andy in his bigspace or littlespace is scared at doctor.

"it's okay baby"i said gently rock him. "NO...  DADDY...  PWE...PWEASE NO"He said yelling and cried loudly,i try to calm him down.

"sshh... baby it's fine"i said make him calm down but it doesn't work, "please daddy...  M'scawedd.  They gon'hwutss me"Andy said still sobbing.

"no baby they just gonna check you and no injection okay? I reassure him, he look at me with those innocent blue eyes "wealy no poke me"he ask. I smile and continue rock him softly.

While we waiting Andy is so pale because of scared he is whimper and whining loudly. I make appointment  and we wait our turn. Andy still clutching to me and whimper.

I ask Mikey his bottle and he is handing me Andy bottle, I posisitoning him and bring the rubber in his mouth. He accepted it gladly and suck it softly,he close his eyes and lay on my chest.  I smiled and Mikey coos.

When it's our turn Andy whine and I soothing him. I said at Mikey to wait outside and he is nod.  So I enter the room and greet with Alex.

"hey little one"Alex said to Andy. Andy look at Alex and shyly waved. Alex coos and Andy blush,i chuckle and put Andy in the bed.

"so what's the problem"Alex said come closer to us, I tell him and he nod. "okay baby uncle Alex will check to okay? "Alex said

"uncy Awex no hwuts me?" Andy ask and we 'awe'loud. "no baby"Alex said softly. So Alex start checking Andy and writing it. When he done, he said "I thinks Andy had a flu" Alex said smiling.

I let out relief sigh and Andy is much calm. "but we have to give him a flu shots"Alex said. SHIT. Andy immediately pale and started whining. I ask our time alone and Alex agree.

I pick up Andy and rest him in my hips. He cried and sobs, "daddy... Daddy sway no no poke me"he said sobbing and hiccups. I sigh and tried to come him but it doesn't work

"baby it's will be fast okay. Daddy will be here with you all the time.  And when you being a good boy, daddy will give you a new stuffie"i said calming him down

He stop sobbing only sniff and look me. "new stwuff?" his eyes lit up a bit. "yes baby.  And after you getting better me, you, dad, dada, papa, and brooky will play at park or where ever you want. But you will be a good boy okay? " I ask and he nod.

So I call Alex and he enter the room with the nursed and injection. I see Andy pale and whimper loudly. I laid on the bed and hold Andy tightly. I grip his hand and he lay in my chest,closed his eyes tightly.

Alex rub the cotton in Andy hands and Andy started screaming and crying. "NOOOO PWEASEE"He cried and try get out off my grips, so I hug him more tightly and shush him

"hey baby it's fine okaay"i ask try to calm him and it's work he calm a bit but still screaming and crying.

Alex star rub the cotton again and when the needle get inside his skin Andy is screaming more loudly and wiggle a bit, people can get deaf. When the needle out Alex put the bandage. I said thank you and they left the room.

Andy still crying,sobbing and hold his arm.  I get up and rest him in my hips,and rocking him gently

I hum a lullaby and slip the pacifier in his mouth.  He close his eyes, and his head on my shoulder he hold his arm protective and gently suck on his pacifier.

I'm still rocking him and kiss his cheek,his forehead and his head until I hear a light snore.

I left the room and give Andy to Mikey while I pay the registration. We come back home and Andy still sleeping in my arms.

I enter the house and they all coos. I smiled and go to our room cuddles with him until I drifted to sleep.

His sick day is exhausting


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