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Andy's pov

I woke up feeling big. I sigh and look at sleeping Rye beside me,he is beautiful and so kind. My bum hurts but my heart is aching more,I'm sad not because he punished me but because I disappointed him. He is to kind and patient towards me,it's make me sad to make him sad I don't even know why I'm throwing tantrums yesterday. I snuggle to him more and I hear he is groan and stirr.

"Morning baby"he said kiss my forehead,

"morning Rye"I smiled .sad smile. and sigh he look at my and furrowed his eyebrows,

"Not feeling little babe?"he said smiling and I shook my head,he look at me worriedly

"My bum hurt"I said suddenly and he quickly apologize

"But my heart ache more, I'm sad not because you punish me but because I disappointed you"I said sadly and he just sigh and hug me tight

"Babe I'm sorry,it's fine I'm not disappoint anymore. You are my baby,my love and I love you"he said hug me and I fight not to slip.

"I love you too Rye,I don't even know why am I throwing tantrums yesterday. So I decided I will take a break and not being little for a while"I said and look at him,he frowned

"Are you sure babe?"he said worriedly and I nod. And he muttered a little ok. So we continue cuddle for a while and we decide take a bath. After bath we go to the kitchen and he makes pancakes yum.

"Andy you want chocolate or maple syrup?" he ask,

"Chocolate and banana?"I ask hopefully and he nod with a chuckle. I grab a glass and pour some orange juice,I sit down and rye place the pancakes Infront of me. We eat silently and I help him wash the dishes,I go to the living room to watch TV and Rye go to his office for work. When I sat down I sigh and try not to slip when I look one of my stuffie laying on the coffee table with my paci. I turn in the TV and decide watch Riverdale.
But not even two episode I'm getting bored I'm miss cartoons and I'm sigh,I turn off the TV and go to Rye office. I knock and hear he did come in,and I'm come in. I pout and he look at me confused

"What happen babe?"he said and I pout more,

"I'm bored Rye"I said whining and he just smile.

"Come here"he said pat his lap,I approached him and sat on his lap. I lay my head on his head with sigh and he play with my finger,he kiss my forehead than my cheeks than my lips. Our lips connect sweetly but suddenly it's turn hot make out, we break our lips and he goes under my neck and I let out soft moan. After hot make out session we cuddle until it's lunch time.

"You want eat here or want to eat outside"he ask and my smile fell off.

"Here's fine"I give him a small smile,yeah I still sad about last time. He let out a sigh and hug me

"Let's get McDonald okay?"he ask smiling and I nod for answers. Then we go out to get McDonald,we order chicken nuggets,french fries,burger,and ice cream. We eat happily and talk about anything, when we done eating we go home. We choose watch TV and cuddle, but like earlier I just bored and stressed.

"Hey babe you okay?"he ask and I nod.

"Don't lie, please tell me"he said softly and I burried my face deep into his chest.

"I'm just bored and a little stressed that's all"I did sadly and he hum.

"You sure you don't want to be little, it will make you better"he said soothingly,of course I want to be little. I'm bored in big boy space,I can't draw,I can't play with my stuffie,I can't get comfort from my paci and baby bottle,I have to use toilet everytime,I can't watch cartoon.

"I'm sure"I said and continue watch TV,then I fall asleep. I woke up in our bed,I go to bathroom and take a shower it's not even 24 hours and I'm miss being a little. I dress in pair of boxer, sweatpant and Rye's hoodie. I don't even know what to do,I go to Rye's office and sat on his lap,he smiled and continue his working, I whine immediately

"I'm boreddddd"I whine and he chuckled,I pout

"Then play"he said smile

"Playing what?"I ask confused

"Stuffie,blocks,drawing, anything"he said smiling and I'm pouting more

"Please don't Rye"I said sighing. He smile sadly and play with my  hair again

"My work is done how about take a bath together"he whispered in my ear and I'm shiver,he smirk and pick me up. I yelp and chuckled,so we decide to take a bath together,we have a light dinner and go to bed. It's already an hour but I still can't sleep, it's just uncomfortable Rye is already sleep and I'm still wide awake and whining. I hear Rye's groan and arms around my body,I whining more.

"Get some sleep babe"he said tiredly and I whine again

"I can't Rye"I pout and he sigh

"Then just be little,don't stubborn or you will not get enough sleep. I'm okay with it"he said softly and I'm still scared that I disappointed him again.

Rye pov

"Andy listen to me,you are just my little and vulnerable baby boy. You just cute, adorable,and innocent angel. You're not a big boy,you my boy,you daddy little baby. And you to little to do anything and just want daddy attention. You just want to play with your stuffie,you get comfortable with your paci and around your nappy aren't you. You're daddy's good boy"I said and it's worked,he give in and slip into his littlespace

Andy eyes is bigger and innocent,he is go deepest into his littlespace I think. He is wandered the room and makes babyish voice and moves,he play with his feet and giggles. I coos and smiled widely,I pick him up me bring him to his nursery and he doesn't stop make babyish voice. I put him on the changing table and put a fresh nappy,I change his clothes into onesie and footsies. I place the paci in his mouth and he suck it tiredly,then he yawn loudly and I chuckled. I kiss his forehead and lya in our bed,he cuddled to me and we go to peacefully sleep

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