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Rye woke up and see Andy between his arms. He smile and kiss Andy cheeks and forehead,Andy whimpers and open his eyes slowly.

He smiled when see Rye and peck Rye's Cheek. "Morning baby boy" Rye said,"mowni' daddy" Andy said and giggles.

"Daddy sorry okay"Rye said sadly,Andy first confused why his daddy apologize and Rye know it so he said again "daddy sorry for punish you so bad last night. Daddy was so mean"Rye said and ran his fingers through Andy hair.

"It's fine daddy. M' a bad boy,nu daddy fauwt"Andy said softly and look at rye smiling innocently. Rye's heart clenched why he hurt this little and vulnerable baby. Rye hug Andy and said "no baby it's all daddy fault, I'm sorry"

"Nu daddy,I'm bad and daddy rwight to punish me"Andy said with smile,"but it's still wrong. You not a bad boy,you just daddy little,cute, adorable,and vulnerable baby who justwl want cuddle but daddy punish you to mean. I'm sorry,did you forgive daddy?"Rye ask and hug Andy

Andy just whine and nod,he burried his face into Rye's chest too little too answer verbally. "Baby do you hungry"Rye ask and Andy just giggling make babyish voice. "Ouh you too little. How old you babe?"rye ask curiously

And Andy just look Rye with big innocent eyes and tilted his head not understand what Rye say. Rye coos a lot cause he never see Andy so little and vulnerable. Rye carefully pick Andy up.

Rye held him against his chest,he holding him under his bum and cradling his neck,Andy clung to Rye and make baby voice and kicking his 'little' feet happily. Rye watch in awe

Rye pov

When I go to the kitchen I saw Mikey and Sonny. "Hi boys"I said and they all greet back,Andy look at them with excited look and make baby voice while kicking his feet happily. They all coos loud

"Is Baby Andy is younger then usual?"Mikey ask and pick Andy when he make grabby hand towards Mikey. "Yes"I answer and prepare Andy his baby food.

I pour some applesauce in his baby bowl and make his formula. While Sonny and Mikey play with him," he is too cuteee" Sonny squeal and pinch Andy's check a little too hard. Andy whimper and cry

"Ouh baby papa sorry"Sonny said. And Andy nod "it's Otay papa"Andy said aging up a bit. "Baby you still want your applesauce or nuggets?" I ask. "APPYSOUS"Andy said clapping his hand.  I nod and bring the bowl and bottle in front of him

"Baby how about me,you,dada, dad,papa,and brooky go to the park"I ask and his eyes lit up. "Pwark?"he ask, "yes baby park" I said with smile,he nod and clap his hand excitedly,I ask Sonny and Mikey too feed him and I'm gonna get ready.

Sonny pov

So while Rye get ready me and Mikey fed Andy. Andy sat on Mikey's lap while me feed him. "Airplane... aaaa.."I said make airplane with a spoon of applesauce and Andy open his mouth excitedly and eat it. He clap his hand and giggles

So when we finish I wipe his mouth with his bib and give Andy his formula,while Mikey rock him slowly I put the bowl and spoon at the sink. When we play with Andy, Rye come back.

"Hey boys" Rye said and we all greetings. "Okay now get ready and tell Jacklyn too. When we all ready we go"he said and Andy whine while make grabby hands towards Rye.

So Rye pick him up and Andy immediately nuzzle into Rye so me and Mickey get ready and not forget to tell Jacklyn.

Rye pov (sorry for changing pov)

So I picked up Andy and bring him to the bedroom,I lay him on the bed and go to the bathroom to fill the bathtub with water and bubbles. I back to the bedroom and start undress Andy.

When I finish,I pick him up and place him at the tub,I wash his body and hair while he play with the bubbles.
When he finish with the bubbles I pick him and wrap the towel around him.

I lay him on the changing table "bubba can you be a big boy when we go to the park?" I ask. He tilted his head and pout."Can't I just be little"Andy said,"but babe many people out there is very judge. I just don't want they talk mean thing to you"I said.

But he smiled and said,"I don't care what people say daddy. I want be little I want be me.  If they talk meanie I no care cause this is me. I still have you,dad,papa,dada,and brooky who love me. I don't need meanie people. So please daddy don't make me be big boy"he plead and use his puppy eyes,gosh I live this baby so much

"Of course baby,but are you big enough for pull up?"I ask. "Ywess daddy can I have my dino cwothes"he said obviously regressed back. I nod,I wear him a pull up and dressed him in his dino clothes.

 I nod,I wear him a pull up and dressed him in his dino clothes

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When I finish,I go to prepare all of his stuff like extra pull up, pacifier,his blanky,stuffy,and his meal which is nuggets and broccoli,his bottle of milk and his bottle of apple juice

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When I finish,I go to prepare all of his stuff like extra pull up, pacifier,his blanky,stuffy,and his meal which is nuggets and broccoli,his bottle of milk and his bottle of apple juice.I give the bag at Brooklyn and pick Andy up.

"Then we go now shall we"





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