CHAPTER III:shopping

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Mikey pov

So I decide to tell the other boys about this whole situation,luckily they all accept it and agree.

And Andy still wandering the room in curiosity and everyone look at him in 'awe'. 

Then he whine and make grabby hand to rye,so I hand Andy to him.

Rye pov

Andy slip in his headspace and it's so adorable. He make grabby hand towards me and ask me to pick him up. 

So Mikey hand him to me and I rest him in my hip,he immediately clung to me and nuzzle in my neck

"daddy.... " he whimpers and all the boys coos loud.  I chuckled.

"yes baby boy? " I said, he whimpered more and nuzzle more with slight blush in his cheeks.

"wan cudwes"he say tiredly. I nod and look at him who bring his thumb in his mouth so I gently put it out.

"daddy want to buy your supplies baby.  So now you will be with brooky,and dad Jack right" I said

"no daddy?" he whined

"no baby" I said softly I hear he is about to cry so I rock him gently and sing a lullaby and it's make him calm down, soon enough I hear a little snore so I hand him to Jack.

"Sonny, you come with Mikey and me to buy everything. And Brook and Jack you will take care of him" I said and they all nod.  So I go outside and drove into baby/little shop. 

Sonny pov

We all arrived at baby/little shop.  We go inside and it's so big. So we decide to shopping separate.

I'm going to buy sippy cups, bottles, pacifiers,and baby feeding equipments.

•Sippy Cups



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(and many more)

Baby/Toodler Feeding equipment

Rye will buy onesies, pajamas, diapers, clothes, socks, shoes, toys and changing supplies. Mikey will buy crib, waterproof matrres and sheets, blanket.

So we walk separately and start the shopping. When we finish which is a lot, we decide to stop at grocery shop to buy some food.  We buy something like nuggets, milk, chicken, vegetables, apple juice, and lot more.  When we finish we go home.

Jack pov

Baby Andy is so cute now he is sleeping in my arm, and I coos when he sleep peacefully with soft snore come from his mouth and he drools a little so I wipe his mouth and gently rock him. 

Brook is happy too cause he is really want have a baby brother. A minutes later he start waking up and when he wandered the room he start to cry.

"oh baby what happened?" I ask. He let out sobs and whined.

"wan daddy" he said.  "awe poor boy, we will wait until daddy come home okay.  Now how about you, dad, and brooky will play until daddy home" I said.  His eyes lit up and nodding fastly and I giggle

So we play and have so much fun.  Until I hear front door open and reveal Rye, Mikey, Sonny with a lot of stuff.  And I hear Andy is squeals in happy

"DADDYYYYY.... " he scream and make grabby hands toward Rye. We all coos and Rye chuckle. Me and Brooklyn help they to pick up the stuff.

And rye approached baby Andy and pick him up.  Andy immediately hug rye so tight and smile widely.

Brooklyn pov

So me, Sonny, Mikey, and Jack start bring in the supplies. We started unpacking and get ready to decorate the nursery.  I'm so excited cause I really want a baby brother.

"Brooklyn" I hear rye voice.

"yess rye?" I ask

"please play with Andy while we decorated the nursery"rye said handing baby Andy who giggled so much to me.

My eyes lit up and pick baby Andy with excitement. I nod fairly and rye chuckle. So when rye go to the nursery. I pick the toys and play with baby Andy.

"brookyyy" Andy squeals and I coos.

"yes baby?" I said sit beside him

"pwayyy"he squeals and give me the toys.  I chuckled and play with him.

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