CHAPTER II: What Is cg/l

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Andy pov

I woke up with strong arm holding me. I Confuse and open my eyes slowly, when I look up I see Rye's face sleep peacefully.

I blush madly, and  what happened last night play in my memory I blush harder in embarrassment.

One I wet myself, two I ask rye to help me with bath, three I ask to sleep with him and four.....  I call him 'daddy'.

I face palm mentally and whimper who cause rye woke up with tired groan, I freeze. "what's up baby? " he ask made me blush

"no... nothing Rye" I said. 

"ohhh you're back to Andy"he said and I respond in 'hum'.  So he woke up and stretching,

"okay I'm going at my room to do some work" he said

"okay"i said and he left the room.

I still blush madly and confused why am I being a child last night. So I went down to ask Mikey,which is in Rye's room.

Why Mikey? I don't know but I I think he will the only one maybe who know it.  Brook and Jack to childish, and Sonny is to 'I don't care'.

So I knocked the door,"come in" someone said.  So I come inside and see Rye smiling in his desk with Mikey sat in front oh him.

"have a seat Andy" rye said pointing chair beside Mikey,i nod and sat there. 

"so I assume you want to know what happened with you" Mikey said. 

I gasp and blush but nod hesitantly. I hear rye chuckle and Mikey nod with small grin

"so basically Andy,i think you into cg/l or ageplay, kind of that" Mikey said.

I confused,"what is cg/l?" I ask.  And Mikey tell me everything about it.

"ohhh....  Wait what?!!" I yell and rye give me death glare and I think it's regressing me down cause I feel so little.

"m'sowwy" I said whimper and looking down,my eyes start watering.  I hear Mikey and Rye both gasp. 

Mikey pov

I'm gasp when I know Andy is sliped in his headspace.

I coos, it's so adorable,and I hear rye said "it's okay baby".

"so rye.. You want to start this cg/l or ageplay thing? Me, Brook, Jack, and Sonny can help.  And Harvey of course if he come here." I ask

"of course... So I think we will change the guest room into his nursery, and we can ask sonny to come with us to buy all of his need" rye said,i nod.

Andy look at us confused and innocent. So he makes grabby hand to me, I shock but picking him up.

He giggled and play with my piercing. I coos at this sight.

"so we shall go,wasn't we?" he said

So I decide to tell the other boys about this whole situation,luckily they all accept it and agree. And Andy still wandering the room in curiosity and everyone look at him in 'awe'. 

Then he whine and make grabby hand to rye,so I hand Andy to him.

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