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Andy pov

Right now I'm in daddy's office. He is doing some big boy work and I'm sat on the floor and colouring. I'm colouring puppy's pictures,I stick my tongue out and concentrate so that the color stays in a line. It's my first draw for daddy I hope he like it. When I halfway finish my stomach growl and I hear daddy chuckled,I feel my cheeks sting and look up at him.

"You hungry baby?"he ask and walk towards me,I nod and close the book. "Wan' ancwakes"I say slurring from my paci. He nod and pick me up,ge walk to the kitchen and sat me on the counter,I swing my 'tiny' legs playfully.Daddy make pancakes and look on me every minute so I didn't jump. I babble and mumbled Moana theme song. Daddy smile and pour some milk into my bottle.

"Dada.. "I call him,"yeah baby boy" I blush I love when daddy call me baby boy. "Notwing"I said and he give me a look."Don't keep secret from me baby"daddy said and pick me up. He kiss my forehead and put me on my highchair,he put the pancakes and milk infront of me.

"Notwing dada I pwomise"I said and smiled he smiled and nod. "You want me to feed you or you want to eat by yourself"dada ask so I ask to he feed me.  Because if I'm eat by myself it will be disaster after all I want to finish my pictures.So he feed me and I giggled,after he feed me i want to drink the milk but milk always make me sleepy and o don't want to be sleepy because I have to finish my drawing!!

"Dada cwan i's have appyjwuice. Cus' is no no sweepy pweasee?" I ask and he nod. He put the milk in the fridge and pour some apple juice into my sippy cup daddy pick me up and bring me to his office.
He sat me on my last place and give me my sippy "fank woo"I said while drink my juice and daddy nod. He sat on his desk and me continue my drawing.

When I finish I look at the result and tears welled up in my eyes. Its have so much colour that out lines I messed my present for daddy. So I start crying and kick my legs,daddy hurried to my side and pick me up. I cry on his shoulder and he shooting me,he rub my back and whisper sweet things. When my cry is down he ask "what make you upset baby boy"

I look at him with puffy eyes and tremble pouty lips. "I mwake you a pwixture bu'... I messed up"I said and tears flow from my eyes. "Ouh baby boy it's fine. Can daddy look at  it"he ask softly and I shook my head. He kiss my cheeks and take the paper,so I hurried my face in his chest because embarrassed."Awee it's amazing baby. It's beautiful but not as beautiful as you"daddy said and kiss me.

I melted in the kiss and blushed. "fank woo wo mwuch dada. Wove woo"I said and hug him thightly. He coos and hug me back "I love you too baby",then I feel my eyelids got heavy and yawn escape from my mouth. "I think it's someone nap time"daddy chuckled and I lay my head on daddy shoulder. He go into the nursery and change my wet nappy into fresh one. And put onesie on my body,he prepared the crib and go to the kitchen. I feel my eyes got heavier by minutes.

I don't know what daddy do but then I feel him put me in my crib and some rubber slipped into my mouth. So I suck the rubber and feel some warm vanilla explore my mouth. I snuggle into my blanket and daddy tuck me in. He lock the crib and I drifted into peaceful nap.

Rye pov

After I put Andy on nap I pick the picture he colour and put it in the refrigerator. I make some lunch for me and finish my work. After I finish my work I chat with the boys and planning going somewhere tomorrow. After hour chat I hear my baby start crying so I go to his nursery. I pick him up and he immediately calm down

"Miss woo dada"he said and I smiled. So I go to the living room and put Andy on the floor,I put his toys Infront of him and we play together. Hour by hour past by and now it's already 5 pm,so we clean the toys. "Baby let's give you a bath" I said and he nod. So I bring him to the bathroom and filled the tub. After I finished give him a bath and change him we watch a movie until dinner time. And the rest of the day we just watch movie and cuddles. I'm so lucky to have him

"BEING BABY IN HIS BAND"- Andrew Fowler -Where stories live. Discover now