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Rye pov

I woke up first with Andy on top of my chest. I smiled sadly when see his peaceful sleep and his hand limp in his sides.

I sigh and kiss his cheeks,he stirr and wake up slowly. He look at me and smile. "Morning sunshine"I said and kiss his nose

He giggles and blush "morning Rye" . "How are you" I said. "Pretty good I think"he said laid his head on my chest.

"Andy can I ask you"I said softly,he froze and immediately whimpers. I think he is regressed and he is sobbing.

"Me sowwy daddy. Me sowwy,m a bad boy."he cried,I get up and put him into my hips. I rock him slowly and calm him down. Minutes later he calm down

"Baby it's fine.its not your fault, I'm not mad,I just want to ask. Why?"I said softly he nod and tell me everything. He end up crying and sobbing,poor boy.

I hug him and calm him down "hey baby forget that all okay. They just jealous. You won't to take off all your stressed?"I said in calm voice and he nod

"Then be my baby boy. You to little to know that,right baby? You just my precious little baby who like to cuddle with daddy. You too innocent to know all of that right baby boy?" I say and Andy squeals

I think I make him regressed quickly and deeper into his littlespace. I think he is 1 years or more little?. I coos out loud see my baby make babyish voice and play with his feet

I think what if me and my baby live alone,just two of us. I pick sleepy Andy carefully and bring him to his crib. I put him down and tuck him in,I close the door and go downstairs

I talk to the boys,"Guys,what if we split up,cause it's not possible if we be in this band anymore. Why? With Andy being little it's difficult and we all have our own live. I meant we still can meet up each other" I ask nervously

"Yeah I think that too"sonny said. And they all agreed. So whe decide to split up,but we still best friend and meet up with each other

I go into Andy nursery and pick him up,and go to our room. He is already awake and not to little anymore. "Babe can I talk to big Andy for a while?" I ask softly

He pouts but nod. "What's wrong Rye?" He ask. I sigh

"Babe do you want me to be your real caregiver?"I ask,he is confused. "But you are my caregiver"

"Yes. I mean I'll be your only caregiver,your only daddy. Will you live with me alone just you and me. No sonny,Mikey,Jack,brook. Just you and me in our house. You can still be my baby boy. But only mine. We still be meet up with them" I said and smiled.

"Wait.. why?"he ask. "I think just be in the band is difficult with you be our baby. It's not your fault and we all have our own live. Mikey will not difficult to met his girlfriend anymore. Jacklyn just be Jacklyn. And even sonny maybe find his crush out there. It's just will easier for all of us" I said smiling

"I want it. But the other?"he ask

"They all agree. So?" He hug me and squeals "otay daddy. I woof yo" he said. "I love you to baby boy,so you want eat anything?"I chuckled want I hear his stomach growl. He blush and nod.

So we go downstairs and I cook him a Mac and cheese,he ate it happily. After I clean up he said he want watch lilo and stitch.

So I let him watch it in my office,I sat him down on the couch,I play lilo and stitch and give him his bottle of chocolate milk. I smile and kiss his forehead

I go to my desk and Di my work. When I'm done I see my baby is sleeping. I pick him up and go to our room. We cuddle and I drifted to sleep

I think my dream will come true. I imagine how happy we Wii be. Just two of us. Just me and my precious baby boy. Alone.




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