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Rye pov

We started decorating the nursery. We paint the wall with blue colour and give it decoration. We put the baby crib, mattress and sheets,pillow and blanket.

We place the changing table and put all the diapers and changing supplies. Then we build the play bed and put all the toys.

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When I'm happy with it I think to make rules for Andy. So I approached them and say

"baby" I said.  Andy immediately turn towards me, he whimpers and make grabby hand to me I hear brook coos loud but pout.

And I chuckled,i grab Andy and sat in couch with him in my lap. "okay baby we will make some rules okay? " I said softly and he nodded.

1)you will call:
2)No hitting
3)No yelling if not necessary
4)No talking back
5)No cussing
6)Nap at 12-2
7)bedtime at 10
8)clean your toys and coloring book
9)remember even when we punished you it mean we love you.
10)Tell us everything.

2)no toys
3)no sweet
4)time out
5)isolation room

1)New toys
2)bedtime more late
3)Go to Disneyland/amusement park/or wherever you want
4)new clothes
5)extra sweets.

Andy read it loud. "it's okay baby?" I ask softly
And he nod.

"so why not we look to your nursery"

"yes pweaseeee daddy" he said clapping his 'little' hand.  I pick him up and bring him to his nursery while the other do their thing.

When we enter the nursery Andy squeals and giggles. "you like it dear" I ask.

He nod and blush "yes daddy, tank woo" he said hug me tightly. I bring him and put him down at changing table.

"bubba, you want try your nappy and baby clothes?" I said gently he blush but nod shyly.

I take the nappy, baby powder, and onesie and put beside him. I took his pants and boxer, he whimpers so I put the paci in his mouth and he calm down a bit.

I powder his bum and tap the nappy. I took of his T-shirt and put on the teddy onesie. I pick him up and he yawn.

"you look adorable baby"i said,he blush and hide his face in crook of my neck I chuckled and he yawn again

"ouh its time to nap "i said and put him in his crib.
"m’ not tiwed daddy"he said rubbing his eyes and yawning

"sure baby" I chuckled and lay him down, I put the blanket over him and give his new stuffie wich is dog stuffie. He immediately hug the stuffie tight and close his eyes.

"nite nite dwadwy"he slur because the paci.

"nite baby boy"

I smile and close the door

"BEING BABY IN HIS BAND"- Andrew Fowler -Where stories live. Discover now