CHAPTER VII: Cranky Andy

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Andy pov

I wake up feeling big. So I unlock the crib and get down, I go downstairs and see Rye, Mikey, and Sonny watch movie.

"Guys" I said and all of the turn towards me.  "you not in your littlespace babe? " rye ask. I blush and shook my head.

"come hear Andy" Sonny said, so I go toward them and sat between Rye and Mikey. I cuddle I to rye said and suck my paci gently.

Even I'm feeling big I like to suck on my paci it's just so comfortable.

"Bubba are you sure you feeling big"rye said softly and run his finger in my hair. I nod in respon. I cuddle with rye and we four watch Narnia.

At 7 pm Jack and Brook go home. While rye and sonny prepare dinner.  I go to shower,after shower I put my T-shirt and sweatpant.

I go downstairs and sat in dining table. Mikey, Jack, and Brook greet me.

When dinner ready we start to eat and talk random shit. Me and Mikey help clean the dishes,jacklyn clean the table, rye go to bus office room, and sonny go into their room.

I go to me and Rye's room.  I lay in bed and scrolling my phone.  It's 10 p.m and I feel my eyes star getting heavy,i changed into pajama and drifted to sleep.

Tomorrow morning I woke up with my throat dry and hurt so bad, my head is pounding and my eyes is heavy. I decide to go back to sleep.

Rye pov

It's 11 a.m and Andy still not wake up.  So I go to our room and wake up Andy.

"Andy wake up, it's already 11 a.m"i said and shake his body, he swats my hand and groan. I frown

"Andy wake up.  Now. "I said little harshly he just open his eyes look at me and roll his eyes then go back to sleep.

I feel furious cause he didn't respect me. "ANDREW ROBERT FOWLER GET THE F*** UP NOW" i roar and he immediately jump out of bed with head down

"What the hell is wrong with you.  This your first warning. If you get two more warning I will punish you even you not in your headspace. Understand" i said with anger

"yes daddy.  I understand"he said. I nod and get out the room

"take a shower than eat breakfast.  Clean all your toys and nursery.  I'm on my room"i said get out the room.

"yes daddy"

Brook pov

Andy eat his breakfast with really bad aura. So I decide ask what's wrong

"Andy are you okay"i ask
He just 'hum' in respond so I ask again

"Andy what's wrong?" I ask.  "nothing" he said clearly pissed. "Andy are yo-" I said and he cut off


Then I hear someone come and it's Rye. He is angry and have a really scary aura around him. What is wrong with everyone today?

"Andy. Don't you remember your rule about yelling and cursing" he said calmly but dark. Andy just look at him and continue eating.

"Andrew why you acting like this.  It's really disrespectful. And look at me when I'm talking" rye said.  Andy slowly look at rye

"this is your second warning. If you get your third warning,i will gladly to punish you"Rye said more sternly

"yes daddy" Andy said.  Rye nod and kissed his head and look at me. I nod in response and he go back to his room. Wow.

Jack pov

Rye tell me to watch Andy clean his toys and nursery. So I look for Andy and he laid on the couch. I approached him

"Andy don't you have to clean your toys? " I ask nicely he just roll his eyes and close his eyes

"Rye tell me to-" Andy cut me off.  "can you just shut up" he yell.  So I go to Rye's office.  I knock and he let me in,so i come in and tell rye that Andy didn't want clean his toys and he yelling.

Rye stormed with anger and furious. He come to Andy and cross his arm

"Andrew Fowler" he said calmly but darkly.

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