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One month later....

Rye pov

Now I play with my baby in our house. Yeah our house,we split up one month ago. Me with my baby Andy,Jacklyn,Mikey with his girlfriend,and Sonny with his family.

We still catch up and talking,even still hang out together. I'm happy now with my baby,love,and, boyfriend.

We in our living room watch moana,Andy sat on my lap suck gently his bottle and I'm playing with his hair. Yeah we still do ageplay thing.

"Daddy....." He said softly. "Yeah"I answered. He yawns and rub his eyes "tiwedd"he yawns agains. It's make me yawn

"Yeah daddy too. Wan sleep with daddy?"I ask and he nod. So I place the bottle in the coffee table,I pick him up,his stuffies and blanket. I go to my room and lay on the bed,Andy snuggle to my chest more.And we drifted too peacefully sleep.

Author pov

"Daddy.."Andy said poke Rye's Cheek. Rye groan and still sleep. Andy pout and sat on his chest
"Daddy... Wakeyy"Andy said and kiss sloppily on Rye's lips.

Rye slowly open his eyes and Andy smile. "Mownin Daddy"Andy smile wider,"morning baby boy. Why do you wake daddy up?" rye ask and play with Andy's hair.

"Daddy wook,it's Wainnn"Andy said excited."yeah??"Rye said confusedly. "Cwan i's pway ouwtswide pweasee"Andy said pleading with his puppy eyes.

Rye sigh 'but baby boy you will be sick". Andy pout "pweaseeee dadaa. I'd pwomise no Wong. I wanna pwaay. Pweaseeeeeee"Andy pleading with hope in his eyes. And Rye definitely can't deny it

"Okay..."Rye sigh. Andy squeals and clap his hand. "Fank wouu"he said hugging Rye,"but not for long" and Andy nod. So Rye pick him up,grab towel and robe and go outside. He put down Andy who immediately run into the garden

"Baby slow down or you will get hurt"Rye yell so Andy stop and play in puddle. Rye sat down and smiled as he watched his baby play happily. Andy is jump on puddle and giggles,one hour past by.

"Baby boy. Time is over"Rye yell and Andy immediately pout. "Nuuu dadaa"Andy yell back. "But babe you already play for one hour,you can sick"Rye sigh.

"5 more minutes. Pweaseeeeeee dadaaaa"Andy whine. "Fine 5 more minutes" and Andy squeals and continue jump on puddle

"Okay baby the time is over before you get sick"Rye yell. Andy nod and run into Rye. But he didn't see rock Infront of him so he trip and let out piercing scream. "DADDYYYYYY"he scream and cry.

Rye jump and run into Andy,he carefully pick him up. Andy just sob and clung to Rye,"da...daddy.... It''s..hwutt"Andy sob. "I know baby,what did I say about no running"rye sigh.

"M' sowwy"Andy say still sobbing. "It's fine let's get you bath okay" and Andy nod. Rye dry Andy with towel and put robe around Andy's body. He pick Andy who still crying into bathroom.

Rye put Andy on counter,and fill the tub with water and Andy's toys. Rye striped Andy's clothes and look at Andy's bloody knee. He start clean up the blood while Andy whimper and kick his leg

"Nuuuu it's huwttt"Andy cry,"I know baby but it's will make better okay"so after clean the blood Rye slowly put Andy in the tub,Andy wince when his wound touch the water and relaxed after it.

Rye wash him and Andy play with his toy. Rye pour some strawberry shampoo and start clean Andy's hair. He massage Andy's scalp,Rye close Andy's eyes while rinse the shampoo so it's doesn't get into his eyes. 

When finishes Rye dry him off and put towel around Andy's little frame and pick him up. Andy yawn and Rye lay him down at his changing table.

Rye tap the fresh nappy and dressed Andy one of his hoodie and sweatpant. Rye pick him up and kiss Andy on his lips,Andy blush and hid his face on Rye's neck. Rye go to the kitchen and make Andy chocolate milk.

When the milk is done Rye go upstairs and lay on the bed with Andy snuggle into Rye. Rye bring the rubber of the milk into Andy's mouth,Andy immediately suck on it and close his eyes. Rye kiss him and they drifted into sleep.

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