Caught The Teacher

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It was no secret that what Ashton had going with his chemistry teacher was a very—very—naughty hobby.

He didn't care, no matter how many hickies he had to hide or detentions he had to take down on his record. He'd never stop falling to his red patterned knees for the sick lover that dwelled within Luke Hemmings' body.

The need swirled like an evil spirit in his mind, an un-quenchable desire that wrapped itself around him; like the tentacles of a deep sea monster that dragged him into the darkest depths.

He'd do anything Hemmings asked of him, nothing was off limits. He'd sell his soul if Luke asked him to, and he didn't care how desperate that made him sound because he lived for it. He lived for the need to be used and discarded, like a doll.
He loved how Luke could throw him against any wall and spill pure sin from those succulent pink lips, he drowned in the way such a velvety voice could be so sultry and endearing as it whispered and growled in his ear.

He treasured the feeling each time Luke's large hands splayed over his hips, smoothing up his sides and sometimes curling around his neck; long fingers stretched across his collarbones.
His body would burn with a searing sensation, longing for Luke's hands to traverse his body like a precious gem, and he loved it. He loved the sizzling pleasure that Luke kept locked behind closed doors and hidden in the darkness.

Luke loved their precious moments just as much as—if not more than—Ashton. He longed for nothing more than to have Ashton begging and panting beneath him, writhing under his touch and burning up with each soft caress. He loved the way the young boy's skin would glisten in the naked light, sometimes tightened by rope on the nights Ashton spent alone in his house.

The way Ashton's skin would glow against the soft orange of Luke's fireplace was enough to drive the teacher insane.
He lived for those moments no one else could ever know about. No one else could ever have Ashton like he did. So help them if he ever found out they existed.

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Ashton's lips parted with a heavy sigh, hazel eyes fluttering open as a hot liquid sensation drooled down the delicate skin of his porcelain face.

"Fuck." He panted through a breathy chuckle at the sound of a zipper being done up.

"You look like a mess." The worn out voice of one of the school's biggest popular's commented, hands hastily redoing the buttons of his blouse.

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