She Said, "It's For All The Right Reasons"

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Calum definitely would never object to getting out of school hassles like classwork and assemblies, but he would prefer if it didn't include Michael being upset and needing him.

Not because he didn't want Michael's company—because by god did he adore Michael in endless ways—but because he hated seeing Michael hurt and upset.

Michael deserved all the joy and happiness that could be scrounged up in the world. Like sunflowers and kittens, cute things like that. Calum's fairly certain that's their only reason for existence; to make Michael happy.

"Is everything good?" Calum followed Michael out of the assembly hall, catching up to him and grabbing hold of his hand.

"No." Michael shook his head, pulling Calum along with him until they reached their usual lunch table outside.

"Are you gonna tell me what's up?" Calum asked, dumping his bag and sitting down beside the trembling boy. "Mike?"

Michael kept their hands interlinked, holding tightly as he tried to calm himself down. Gentle tears trickled from eyes that desperately tried to keep closed, a heart burning with fear and a pair of lungs who struggled for air, all merged together within a body that craved a warm touch.

"Mikey... what happened?" Calum draped his free arm around his crush's shoulders, holding him closer to try and comfort him.
"You can talk to me."

"M-Mr Klei attacked us." Michael blurted, green eyes flickering open to meet with shocked brown filled with worry.
He gestured to the red dotted across his neck, sobbing as he choked back his words. "He-He grabbed me and pushed me into the wall."

"Oh holy fuck, did you tell a teacher?" Calum fretted, wide eyed.

Michael nodded, taking his hand back only so he could cover them both over his tear stained face. "He ran off. M-Mr Hemmings dealt with it."

"Well that's good, yeah? Hemmings can sort it out." Calum tried to encourage, though he didn't particularly put a lot of faith in the hippy like teacher who seemed to care about things too much for his own good.
"And like, I don't know, maybe Mr Tomlinson? He can sort it too. Did you tell him?"

"N-No." Michael cried louder and Calum fretted.

"Hey, shh, it's okay. You're totally fine now, yeah-?"

"I s-stabbed him!"

"You stabbed him?"

Michael nodded shakily. "W-With my scissors." He took his hands from his face, grabbing Calum's arm despairingly. "I was scared, a-and he was hurting us and I just—I just-"

"Grabbed the first thing you knew would do some damage?" Calum lightly pat his hand over Michael's, giving him a small calm smile. "Self defence, bub. It's fine. I get it. You don't think, in the moment it's just about staying alive."

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