Save Me.

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The sun remained hidden behind the dip of the horizon, too afraid to rise as a devil wandered the streets in the dark. The moon refused to peek beyond the clouds and the stars disappeared, scared Michael's gaze could lift and capture them in his sights.

Green eyes were filled with blood lust, madness pulsating through his body as black fluid flowed in and out of his undead heart. His steps were quiet, walking beneath street lights without a single glance his way as people slept peacefully within their homes.
Some were awake, laughing at their TV or spending a special night together, others were sobbing in their bathrooms, begging the police to come quick before the locked door was kicked down.

People lived within their own nightmares, but it took a certain kind of madness to control that nightmare and force its demons to fall to your every whim and command.

A madness much like the one that compelled Michael to walk for almost an hour and a half, his demons screeching and screaming with excitement; dancing around him jovially as he walked.

The angels in his mind wept, sombre as they huddled together in a corner within pitch black; drowning in misery that dulled their angelic glow. Their life was coming to an end, once bright halos dying out into the darkness.

Yes... yes this is beautiful.
Isn't it beautiful, Michael?

Finally! After soooo lonnnng we can have our revenge!

Michael stood silently in the front yard of his stalker's home, sneakers crushing flowers that had been planted lovingly by a wonderful mother who was blind to her child's insanity.

He adjusted his grip on his knife, letting out a hefty breath before approaching the home without a hint of hesitation.

The teen's side bedroom window was open, as it always was in case a midnight booty call snuck into their home for some fun.
And tonight, it was Michael's turn to sneak in and have some fun of his own.

Crawling in through the window, he kept as quiet as possible; gently closing the window panel with a click of the latch.

A globe of softly lit stars sat on a cluttered desk, illuminating the teenage boy's room the perfect amount for Michael to gaze around.
Posters of girls, bands and cars lined the walls, clothes thrown over an unlucky desk chair, a television was balanced by a stack of unused school textbooks, Xbox switched on to charge controllers whilst the TV screen remained off.

The double bed was tucked in the corner, a haphazard body lying tangled in blue and black blankets. His bedroom door was closed much to Michael's satisfaction, and as green eyes grew bored of snooping around in the boy's decor they fell to the sleeping bastard who caused it all.

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