And He's Fucking In Sin

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Ashton's scowl was permanent on his face, a glow of darkness and rage encompassing his entire being as he stood within the canteen line of the school. His lunchbox friends were still by his side, awkward and uneasy with the way he seemed to be dripping poison from the deepest pores; quietly mastering a serial killing in his head.

"So um... Jacee is having a party this weekend." Sarah tried to strike a conversation up with the remaining sane members of the small group. "Apparently she even invited Liam."

"Of course she invited Liam." Ashton harshly spat. "She's a desperate skank."

The group fell quiet for a moment, wary of him, before Sarah anxiously continued.

"Are you okay?"

Both sets of eyes snapped to her, two lunchbox friends who gawked with pure terror at the one who dared to question their leader. Haeileigh squeaked, and Richie made a cut throat motion as though to silence Sarah who looked at them them both in confusion.

Ashton let out an insanely fake laugh, hazel eyes gleaming with pure madness as he whipped around and snarled at the young girl.

"Do I LOOK OKAY?!" His voice boomed through the canteen area, pressing against the walls and rattling everyone who stood nearby.

The lunch ladies briefly paused their work, all eyes on the one who had snapped only to quickly flicker away when they found the culprit to be Ashton Irwin.

"N-No?" Sarah shrunk under Ashton's anguish. "Did-... did you need to talk?" She tried to offer, slightly annoyed that his other friends weren't willing to do the same.

"Talk?" He repeated and Sarah nodded, but when he repeated it again with a cocky tone she realised he wasn't as simple as it seemed.

"Talking is for miserable losers who need someone to cry to because their mum disowned them!" Ashton snorted, hands waving as he talked to emphasise the rage that boiled within his sharp words. "I don't talk. I deal like a goddamn normal person, Sarah!"

She sucked in a careful breath, Richie and Haeileigh now standing slightly behind her; both in shock that she was still talking to Ashton while he was in such a rabid fuming state.

"Is it because of Michael...?" She asked, cautious.

Ashton's expression faltered, a mix of confusion and hurt crashing together across his beautiful face before he sneered.
"What about that dirty slut?"

"Well I—I just thought maybe you were upset 'cause-"

Richie grabbed her by the arm, eyes wide as he shook his head; begging her not to finish her sentence for the unholy wrath that was Ashton to hear.

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