Will You Give Me

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After the text messages, I strongly recommend you hit play on the music attached 🥺 (you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it)

But most of all, darling... enjoy 😏😈

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Michael sat up in his seat, settled at the desk opposite Louis. His bag was by his feet, hands fiddling with a bottle of apple scented shampoo.

On the desk in front of him sat two baskets of supplies for both hygiene and school, from books and coloured pens to bars of soap and toothpaste.

"So I've set you up as part of our low-income earner program." Louis explained. "That means whenever you need something you can come and ask for it. The school can cover bus fares to and from school, excursions, and—if necessary—can cover mental health services."

"Do you think seeing a therapist-" Louis began, only to be cut off immediately.

Michael abruptly slammed the shampoo bottle down, eyes wide with an almost animal look in them as he shook his head. "No. No therapy."

"Alright..." Louis was surprised by the reaction, slowly writing down on his notepad. "No therapy."

"Is there anything you think you need? Concession cards, identity cards?" Louis asked.

"I... don't know what that is?"

"Do you work at all? Part time? Casual?"

Michael shook his head, and Louis wrote a few more things down before speaking again. "Would you like to get a job? We can help you build up your résumé."

Michael slowly shook his head. "I don't know."

"I'll sign you up for a life skills program." Louis noted it down.
"How many jobs does your mum work, Michael?" He softly asked, keeping his tone gentle with the student.

"I think... three?"

"Three? Okay." Louis shifted in his seat, reaching down pulling out a pile of stapled documents. He passed them over to Michael, "give these to your mother."

Michael gently took the papers, curious eyes skimming over its front page contents. "What's it for?"

"To help her access some more money." Louis said. "Just pop it in your bag and give it to her when you get home, alright?"

"Okay." Michael did as he was told, stuffing it into his backpack.

"What class should you be having now?"


"And I'm guessing, by the fact that you weren't in class to begin with, you don't want to go this morning?"

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